FAO 작물전망 식량상황 보고서(0308)

Crop Prospects and Food Situation

This report is published three times a year (four times before 2023) and provides a forward-looking analysis of the food situation by geographic region, focusing on the cereal production outlook, market situation and food security conditions, with a particular attention on Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs). The report also includes a list of countries requiring external assistance for food, highlighting the main drivers of food insecurity. It also includes a global cereal supply and demand overview to complement the biannual analysis in the Food Outlook publication. The report is available in English, French and Spanish.
Crop Prospects and Food Situation is complemented by the Cereal supply and demand balances for sub-Saharan African countries. Both reports are released on the same dates (see below).
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Release dates for 2024: 8 March, 5 July, 8 November.