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한-베트남 정상회담, 포괄적 전략 동반자 관계 공동선언(1206)


by gino's 2022. 12. 12. 16:39


12월 5일 국빈방한 행사

윤석열 모두발언

**응우옌 쑤언 푹 주석 모두발언은 대통령실 홈피에 게재 안함

한베 공동선언 중 주요내용

(한베 관계의 발전)2009년 ‘전략적 협력 동반자’ 관계 수립 이래 빠르고 효과적으로 발전해 온 양국 관계를 평가했다. 앞으로의 양국 관계 발전 방향과 지역 및 국제적 공동 관심 사안에 대해 폭넓게 의견을 교환했다. 한국 측은 한국의 ‘글로벌 중추국가’ 구상과 ‘자유·평화·번영의 인도태평양 전략’ 및 ‘한-아세안 연대구상’ 이행 과정에서 베트남이 갖는 중요성을 강조했고, 베트남 측은 한국이 글로벌 국가로서 지역 및 국제사회에서 더 중요한 역할을 해나가는 것을 환영한다고 했다.
(지역 및 국제문제)양국 정상은 남중국해(베트남 동해)내 평화-안정-안전 및 항행-상공 비행의 자유를 유지하는 것의 중요성을 재확인하고, 특히 ‘해양법에 관한 국제연합 협약(유엔해양법협약, UNCLOS)’을 포함한 국제법 원칙에 기초한 분쟁의 평화적 해결 원칙을 확인했다.
양국 정상은 각 당사국이 자제력을 발휘해 남중국해 내 군사화, 현상 변경 또는 상황을 더 복잡하게 만드는 일방적인 행동을 하지 않을 것을 촉구하고, 남중국해 내 행동선언(DOC)을 전면적-효과적으로 이행해 나갈 것과 유엔해양법협약을 포함한 국제법에 부합하는 효과적이고 실질적인 남중국해 내 행동규칙(COC)을 조속히 타결할 필요성을 강조했다.
양국 정상은 제23차 한-아세안 정상회의 의장성명에 반영된 한반도 문제 관련 공동의 입장을 재확인하고, 핵무기 개발이 한반도와 동아시아 및 세계의 평화와 안정에 위협이 된다는 데 인식을 같이했다.
양측은 북한이 유엔 안보리 관련 결의 및 9.19. 공동성명을 포함한 국제의무와 약속을 성실히 이행할 것을 촉구했으며, 유엔 안보리 결의의 완전한 이행을 위한 국제사회의 노력이 중요하다는 점을 확인했다. 베트남 측은 ‘담대한 구상’을 포함하여 북한 핵문제의 평화적인 해결을 위한 한국 정부의 노력을 환영하고 지지한다고 했다.

한-베트남 공동언론발표
대통령실, 정책홍보담당관실작성일2022-12-06

(윤석열)한-베트남 정상회담 결과를 말씀드리겠습니다. 저와 푹 주석님은 오늘 한-베트남 관계의 발전 방향에 관해 깊이 있는 협의를 가졌습니다.
푹 주석님의 국빈 방한은 의미가 큽니다. 
올해 한-베트남 수교 30주년을 맞아 이뤄졌으며 제가 맞이하는 첫 국빈이기도 합니다.
지난 30여년간 양국은 모범적인 상생 협력 관계를 구축해 왔습니다.
무역과 투자 협력에서 눈부신 발전을 이뤘으며 양국 국민은 친근한 이웃사촌이 됐습니다.
이러한 성과를 바탕으로 양국 간 포괄적이고 전략적인 동반자 관계를 수립함으로써 한-베트남 관계의 새로운 시대를 열고자 합니다.
이를 위해 우선, 전략적 소통을 강화할 것입니다.
양국은 역내 평화와 안정을 구축하는 데 함께 협력할 것입니다.
기존 외교안보 전략대화의 효과를 제고하고 이를 발전시켜 나가는 방안을 검토해 나가기로 했습니다.
또한 우리 정부는 역내 해양안보에 기여하기 위해 베트남의 해양법집행 역량 강화를 적극 지원할 것이며 베트남과의 방산 협력을 확대해 나갈 것입니다.
경제 협력도 더욱 증진시킬 것입니다.
이미 무역과 투자에서 양국은 최적의 파트너입니다.
양국 기업들이 무역과 투자를 더욱 활성화할 수 있도록 정부 차원에서도 적극 지원할 것입니다.
저와 푹 주석님이 임석한 가운데 다양한 협력 문서를 체결하였습니다.
이를 통해 핵심 경제안보 사안을 포괄함으로써 양국 협력의 지평이 넓어질 것으로 기대합니다.
공급망 안정화를 통한 첨단산업 분야의 협력도 중요합니다.
베트남에 풍부한 희토류 개발과 관련하여 양국 간 협력 잠재력이 크다는 데 인식을 같이하고 구체적인 협력 방안을 모색해 나가기로 했습니다.
호혜적인 공급망 구축과 함께 금융, 정보통신, 첨단기술, 인프라 건설, 에너지 분야의 협력도 더욱 강화해 나갈 것입니다.
베트남은 우리의 최대 개발 협력 파트너입니다.
첨단 과학기술, 보건, 인프라 분야에서 베트남에 대한 맞춤형 개발 협력을 확대해 나갈 것입니다.
얼마 전 하노이에 완공된 ‘한-베트남 과학기술연구원’은 양국 간 과학기술 협력의 산실입니다.
베트남의 질병예방관리센터 구축을 지원하는 방안도 적극 검토할 것입니다.
양국 국민 간 활발한 인적 교류는 한-베트남 관계 발전의 근간입니다.
양국 국민들의 권익과 안전, 교류 활성화를 위해 정부 차원의 지원을 아끼지 않을 것입니다.
베트남 내에서 한국어가 제1외국어로 지정된 만큼 한국어 교육 지원도 대폭 강화할 것입니다.
베트남은 우리의 ‘인도-태평양 전략’과 ‘한-아세안 연대구상’의 핵심 협력국입니다.
역내에서 자유와 평화, 번영을 꽃피우기 위해 한국과 베트남은 늘 함께 노력할 것입니다.
한-아세안, 한-메콩 협력을 강화하기 위해 대화조정국인 베트남과 긴밀히 협력할 것입니다.
푹 주석님께서도 한국의 글로벌 중추 국가 비전에 대해 적극적인 환영의 뜻을 표명하셨습니다.
북한의 핵, 미사일은 역내 가장 시급한 위협입니다.
국제사회의 단합된 대응을 견인하기 위해 한국과 베트남은 공조를 더욱 강화할 것입니다.
마지막으로 푹 주석님께 2030년 세계박람회 부산 유치에 대한 지지를 요청하였으며 이에 대해 푹 주석님은 긍정적으로 검토하겠다고 화답하셨습니다.
푹 주석님과 제가 오늘 협의한 다양한 협력 방안은 앞으로 양국 정부가 긴밀히 공조해서 이행해 나갈 것입니다.
푹 주석님의 국빈 방한을 다시 한번 환영합니다.
푹 주석님의 방한은 한-베트남 관계의 새로운 출발점으로 기억될 것입니다.

한국-베트남 관계의 발전

양국 정상은 외교 관계 수립 이후 지난 30년 동안, 특히 2009년 전략적 협력 동반자 관계 수립 이후 양국 관계가 실질적이고 강력하며 포괄적으로 발전해 온 점을 높이 평가하고, 한국과 베트남 양국이 제반 분야에서 서로에게 가장 중요한 파트너가 됐음을 확인했다. 양측은 양국 국민에게 이익이 되고 지역 및 세계의 평화와 안정, 번영에 기여할 수 있도록 계속해서 긴밀히 협력해 나가기로 했다. 한국 측은 한국의 ‘글로벌 중추국가’ 구상과 ‘자유·평화·번영의 인도태평양 전략’ 및 ‘한-아세안 연대구상’ 이행 과정에서 베트남이 갖는 중요성을 강조했고, 베트남 측은 한국이 글로벌 국가로서 지역 및 국제사회에서 더 중요한 역할을 해나가는 것을 환영한다고 했다.

양국 정상은 그동안 활발한 양국 간 고위급 교류 및 소통이 양국 간 정치적 신뢰 공고화뿐만 아니라, 무역‧투자‧개발협력‧문화‧관광 분야에서의 협력 증진, 양국 국민 간의 우호 교류 활성화, 각종 국제 및 지역 협의체에서의 공조 강화, 그리고 공동 관심 분야에서의 협력 강화에 크게 기여해왔다는 데 공감했다.

양국 정상은 지난 30년간 양국 관계의 발전이 가져온 성과들을 이어나가고, 상생 협력의 기반을 공고히 하기 위해, 지역‧세계의 평화, 안정, 협력 유지 및 발전에 기여해 나가기로 했다. 양국 정상은 이번 푹 국가주석의 한국 국빈 방문을 계기로 한–베트남 양국 관계를 ‘포괄적 전략 동반자’ 관계로 격상할 것을 선언하고 이를 통해 양국이 제반 분야에서의 협력을 한 차원 높은 수준으로 발전시켜 나가기로 했다.

특히, 양국 정상은 수교 30주년을 기념해 출범한 ‘한-베트남 현인그룹’이 성공적으로 운영되어, 양국 관계의 미래지향적 발전을 위한 다양한 제안을 담은 보고서를 발표한 것을 평가했다.

정치‧외교 및 국방‧안보‧치안 협력 강화

양국 정상은 양국의 고위 지도자 간 방문과 교류를 더 활성화해 나가자는 데 의견을 같이 하고, 특히 상호 방문과 다자회의 계기 회동, 화상회담, 서한·전보 교환 등 유연하고 다양한 형식으로 이를 추진해 나가기로 했다. 양국 정상은 양국의 각 중앙정부 기관과 지방 정부, 국회와 정당, 조직 및 사회 각계각층 간 교류와 대화를 더욱 강화하고 심화해 나가는 것이 양국 간 ‘포괄적 전략 동반자’ 관계를 발전시켜 나가는 데 매우 중요하다는 점을 확인하고, 각 당사자 간 대화‧협력 메커니즘을 더욱 확대, 발전시켜 나가기로 했다.

양국 정상은 양국 외교부 간 새로운 협력 양해각서가 체결돼 양측 간 실질적인 협력을 추진할 수 있게 된 점을 환영했고 양국의 외교공관 및 영사기관의 원활한 활동을 위해 지속적으로 지지하고 협력해 나가기로 했다. 양국 정상은 현재 외교부와 국방부 등이 함께 참여하는 차관급 외교안보전략대화의 효과를 제고하고 발전시켜 나가는 방안을 검토해 나가기로 했다.

양국 정상은 국방 협력을 계속 강화하고 각종 협력 메커니즘을 효과적으로 추진하며, 차관급 국방전략대화를 포함한 대표단 교류, 해양안보 협력, 기술 협력 및 방산 분야 협력, 교육‧훈련 협력을 활성화해 양국 관계 및 공동 협력을 더 심화하고 지역 및 세계의 평화‧안정 및 발전에 기여해 나가기로 했다.

양국 정상은 안보, 경찰 분야 협력을 강화하고 정부 기관 간의 협력, 대화, 교류 메커니즘을 지속적이고 효과적으로 운영해 나가기로 했다. 또한 양국 정상은 양국의 이익 및 안보와 관련된 전략 사안에 대한 정보 공유 및 분석·전망과 관련된 협력을 강화하고, 안보 및 경찰 분야, 특히 범죄 예방과 법 집행 관련 훈련 및 역량 강화 협력에 대한 내용을 확대하고 풍부하게 하면서 각급 대표단 교류를 강화함으로써 양국 간의 협력관계를 더욱 심화하고 실질적·효과적으로 강화하기로 했다.

한편, 평화유지 분야에서 협력하고 양국 국민의 주재국 위법 사례 최소화를 위한 법규 안내·홍보를 활성화 나가기로 했다.

경제, 무역‧투자 및 개발협력의 확대‧심화

양국 정상은 상호 무역액이 균형적인 방향으로 안정적으로 증가돼 나감으로써 양국이 서로 주요 무역 대상국으로서의 지위를 유지하고, 2023년까지 총 교역액 1000억달러 목표를 달성하기 위해 계속 노력해 나가고 2030년까지 1500억달러 목표 달성을 지향해 나가기로 했다. 아울러 한국-베트남 자유무역협정, 한-아세안 자유무역협정과 역내포괄적경제동반자협정(RCEP) 등 양자 및 다자 차원의 경제협력 메커니즘이 더 효과적으로 이행될 수 있도록 세관사무상호지원협정에 바탕을 둔 수입규제 완화, 원산지증명 전자교환을 포함한 관세분야 협력 강화 등을 통해 역내 규범에 근거한 경제의 연계성 및 자유무역의 강화에 기여해 나가기로 했다.

양국 정상은 스타트업과 창조 혁신 분야 투자 증진을 위한 제도, 정책 및 법률 수립 관련 정보 및 경험을 공유하고 투자 협력을 강화하며, 각종 세미나 및 다자 경제 연계 메커니즘에서의 협력을 추진해 나가기로 합의했다.

베트남 측은 전자, 재생에너지, 인프라 개발, 관광, 특성화 단지, 고품질의 산업-농업단지, 녹색 산업단지, 스마트 시티 구축 등의 분야 내에서 한국 기업들의 신규 투자 및 투자 확대, 그리고 베트남 기업들이 글로벌 공급망에 더욱 적극적으로 참여할 수 있도록 지원해 나가기를 희망했다. 한국 측은 금융·은행 분야의 발전이 경제 전반의 긴요한 요소임을 강조하면서, 베트남에 대한 한국 기업들의 투자 확대를 지원하기 위해 한국 금융기관들의 베트남 진출을 위한 베트남 측의 적극적인 지원을 요청했다. 베트남 측은 이를 인지하고 적극적으로 검토하겠다고 했다.

베트남 측은 한국 정부의 개발원조가 베트남의 사회‧경제 발전에 크게 기여해 왔음을 높이 평가하고 한국이 베트남에 대한 유‧무상원조를 지속 확대해 나가길 희망 했다. 한국 측은 베트남을 계속해서 한국의 핵심 개발협력 파트너로 간주해 나갈 것이라고 강조하면서 양국 간 중점 분야인 전자정부 등 공공행정, 교육, 물관리 및 보건위생, 교통, 분야에서 협력을 강화하고 EDCF 기본약정을 효과적으로 이행해 나갈 것이라고 했다. 또한 양국 정상은 한국 기획재정부와 베트남 기획투자부가 교통, 보건 및 기후변화 대응 분야 유상원조 협력 프레임워크에 서명한 것을 환영하고, 특히 고속철, 경전철, 메트로 분야에서의 협력을 지속적으로 강화하기로 합의했다.

지속가능한 발전 및 기후변화 대응, 농업‧에너지 분야 협력

양국 정상은 환경 보호 분야에서 지속 가능한 발전, 재난 위험 경감, 기후변화 완화 및 적응, 녹색 전환, 초국경 수자원을 포함한 천연자원의 지속가능한 관리, 산림의 지속가능한 관리 및 보전·보호 등을 목표로 하는 협력을 유지해 나가는 것의 중요성에 공감했다. 양국 정상은 2021년 양국 정부 간 기후변화협력 협정 및 2050년 탄소중립을 위한 기후변화에 대한 공동협력계획이 체결된 것을 높이 평가하고, 온실가스 배출을 줄이고 기후변화에 대응하기 위한 전략적 과제를 달성하기 위해 협력해 나가기로 했다. 또한 양국 정상은 현재 추진되고 있는 베트남 남딘성과 닌빈성 지역 내 맹그로브 숲 복원사업, 아시아산림협력기구(AFoCO)를 통한 협력 등 산림 분야에서의 양국 간 협력을 계속 강화해 나가기로 했다.

양국 정상은 국민 경제 근간에서 농업이 갖는 중요성을 확인하면서, 농업‧농촌 부문 역량강화, 농식품 분야 기업의 경영 환경 개선, 연구 및 경험 공유, 하이테크 농업 및 스마트 농업 협력 구축 등을 통한 농업‧농촌 분야 개발협력을 확대해 나가기로 합의했다.

양국 정상은 베트남 에너지 분야 발전을 위한 한국 기업의 참여를 높이 평가하고, 석유 및 천연가스 탐사 및 채굴, 발전소 건설, 에너지 안전 및 절감 분야에서의 협력을 확대해 나가자고 했다. 한국 측은 한국 기업들이 참여를 추진 중인 베트남 내 발전사업들이 원만히 추진될 수 있도록 베트남 측의 지원을 요청했으며, 베트남 측은 이를 적극 검토해 나가기로 했다.

과학기술 및 정보통신 협력

양국 정상은 양국의 사회·경제 발전 과정에서 과학기술의 역할과 중요성을 강조하고, 양국의 지속가능한 발전 전략 및 최근 국제 경제 환경, 특히 제4차 산업혁명과 기후변화 대응 등에 부합하는 방향으로 과학기술 협력을 강화시켜 나가기로 했다. 양국 정상은 기후 기술, 바이오 기술, 나노 기술 및 정보 기술에서의 연구와 특히 기후변화 대응 기술 및 4차 산업혁명 원천 기술에 관한 연구에서의 협력을 강화하기로 했다.

양국 정상은 양국 간 과학기술 협력의 상징적인 사업인 베트남-한국 과학기술연구원(VKIST)이 성공적으로 운영될 수 있도록 함께 노력해 나가기로 했으며, 한국 측은 VKIST의 후속 운영을 지원해 나갈 것이라고 강조했다.

양국 정상은 디지털이 경제사회 구조를 혁신하고, 인류의 일상 생활에 큰 영향을 미치고 있는 상황 속에서, 디지털 기술이 양국의 자유, 평화, 번영을 증진하는 데 기여해야 한다는데 인식을 같이 했다. 이에 따라, 정보통신 분야 협력을 양국의 지속가능한 발전 전략 및 새로운 국제 경제 환경에 부합하는 방향으로 강화하기로 하고, 새로운 디지털 질서 정립, 디지털 전환과 통신 기술, 정보보안 안전성, 디지털 플랫폼 정부 관련 협력을 추진하며, 정보 기술 분야에서의 생산 투자 및 기술 이전 등에서 협력해 나가기로 했다.

노동, 보건 및 교육 협력

양국 정상은 양국 간 노동 협력이 그동안 양국 모두에게 실질적 이익을 가져왔다고 평가하고, 새로운 노동 협력의 분야와 형태로 확대해 나가기로 했다. 양측은 한국 내 베트남 근로자들이 체류 기간을 포함한 양국 국내법을 준수하는 가운데 건강하고 안전하게 근무할 수 있도록 협력을 계속 강화해 나가기로 했다. 한국 측은 베트남 근로자들의 근무‧생활 여건을 개선하고 권리‧이익을 보호해 나가기로 했으며, 베트남 측은 베트남 내 한국 근로자들에 대한 거주 등록 절차 단순화 및 노동허가 취득 등에 있어 편의를 제공하기로 했다.

양국 정상은 양국 보건부가 보건 및 의료 협력에 관한 양해각서를 개정 서명한 것을 환영하고, 특히 질병 통제‧예방, 의약‧백신, 의료 장비, 식품 안전, 인구 고령화 대응 및 보건 분야에서의 정보통신 기술 응용과 보건부 내 고급 기술 인력 양성 등의 협력을 지속적으로 강화하기로 합의했다. 한국 측은 향후 베트남 측 입찰규정 등 개정 시 보다 많은 한국 의료기기가 베트남 내에서 사용될 수 있도록 정책적 고려를 해줄 것을 요청했으며, 베트남 측 요청에 따라 베트남의 질병통제센터 건립을 적극 지원할 것이라고 했다.

양국 정상은 그동안 양국 간의 교육 협력이 양국 간 사회‧문화 분야 협력을 강화하는데 기여했다고 평가했다. 양국 정상은 양측 간 교육 협력을 지속적으로 확대해 나가고 양국 교육부가 ‘한-베트남 글로벌 인재포럼’을 정기적이고 효과적으로 개최하도록 한다는 데 의견을 같이 했다. 한국 측은 베트남 내 일반 초·중·고등학교에서 사용되는 한국어 교과서 집필을 지원하기로 했다.

인프라 및 도시발전 협력

양국 정상은 베트남의 교통 운수 인프라 구축 및 도시 개발 분야에서의 협력 추진에 합의했다. 베트남 측은 한국 기업들이 민관 협력(PPP) 등의 형태로 베트남 교통 운수 인프라 분야에 투자하는 것을 환영한다고 했으며, 한국 측은 교통, 도시 계획, 건축, 주택, 도시 개발 및 기술 인프라 등 상호 관심 분야에서 베트남을 계속해서 지원하기로 했다.

문화, 관광 및 인적 교류 협력

양국 정상은 양국 간 문화, 스포츠 및 관광 교류가 양국 국민 간 이해와 우호 관계를 증진하는데 중요한 역할을 해왔다는 점을 확인했으며, 양국간 인적 교류, 문화 협력 및 공공외교를 강화하고 이를 위한 환경을 조성해 나가기로 했다.

또한, 양국 정상은 양국 연구 인력 교환 방문을 포함한 양국 연구기관 간 협력도 강화해 나가기로 하였다. 베트남 측은 한국 내 베트남 문화원 신설을 검토 중이며, 한국 측은 이에 대해 적극 협력해 나가기로 했다.

양국 정상은 양국 간 인적 교류 협력을 더 강화하고 이를 위해 더 편리한 여건을 조성해 나가며, 특히 관광 협력을 확대하고 양국 관광 교류를 증진하기 위해 노력해 나가기로 했다.

양국 정상은 자국에 거주하는 상대국 국민의 생활, 학업, 근로 환경 안정화에 많은 관심을 갖고 지원해 나가며 적법한 권익 보호를 위해 노력해 나가기로 했다. 양국 정상은 다문화 가정의 미래 세대들이 양국 간 청소년 교류에 더 적극적인 역할을 수행할 수 있도록 함께 노력해 나가자고도 했다.

한국 측은 한국-베트남 다문화 가정에 더 많은 관심을 갖고 필요한 지원을 제공해 나갈 것이라고 했으며, 베트남 측은 베트남 내 한국인 동포 사회의 발전에 계속 관심을 가지고 지원해 나갈 것이라고 했다. 아울러 양국 정상은 양국 국민들의 경제적 부담 경감을 위해 체결된 한-베트남 사회보험협정이 조속히 발효될 수 있도록 노력해 나가기로 했고, 동 협정의 원활한 이행을 위한 행정약정 체결을 위해 양국 관계당국 간 논의를 가속화해 나가기로 했다.

지역 및 국제 문제

양국 정상은 각종 글로벌 도전 과제, 비전통 안보, 에너지 안보, 식량 안보, 경제 안보, 해양환경 보호 협력 등에 대응하기 위해 긴밀히 협력해 나가기로 했다. 또한 각종 비상 상황에 대한 공동 대응 역량을 강화하며, 향후 각종 국제기구에서 공동으로 관심과 이익을 갖는 국제 사안에 대한 입장을 지속적으로 조율하고 상호 지지할 것이라고 했다.

양국 정상은 유엔(UN), 세계무역기구(WTO), 아시아태평양경제공동체(APEC), 한국-동남아시아국가연합(ASEAN), 한-메콩(Mekong) 협력 및 한국이 파트너인 각종 메콩 협력 체제, 아시아-유럽 정상회의(ASEM), 녹색성장 및 2030 글로벌 목표를 위한 연대 정상회의(P4G), 경제협력개발기구(OECD)의 동남아지역프로그램(SEARP) 등 양국이 참여 중이고 공동으로 관심을 갖는 각종 세미나와 국제‧지역 협력체에서 긴밀하게 협력해 나가기로 했다.

한국 측은 한국 정부의 인도태평양 전략과 한-아세안 연대구상을 설명하고 향후 이행 과정에서 베트남을 가장 중요한 파트너 중 하나로 인식하고 있다고 했으며, 베트남 측은 이를 환영했다. 또한, 한국 측은 ‘세계의 대전환, 더 나은 미래를 향한 항해’를 주제로 하는 2030년 부산 세계박람회 유치에 대한 베트남 측의 지지를 요청했으며, 베트남 측은 이를 긍정적으로 검토하겠다고 밝혔다. 한국 측은 베트남의 2025년 녹색성장과 글로벌 목표 2030을 위한 연대(P4G) 정상회의 유치를 적극 지원하겠다고 했다.

양국 정상은 아세안의 단결과 중심성이 갖는 중요성을 재확인하고, 각 지역 협력체의 역할을 강화하기 위해 긴밀히 협력해 나감으로써 포스트-코로나19 시기의 사회‧경제 회복을 촉진하고 지속가능한 성장, 녹색 개발 및 국제적 연계성 강화에 기여해 나가기로 했다. 베트남 측은 한-아세안 협력 및 한-메콩 협력을 통해 메콩 하부 지역의 지속가능하고 회복력 있는 발전을 추진하기 위해 긴밀히 협력할 준비가 되어 있으며, 이를 위한 한국 측의 실질적이고 효과적인 기여를 환영하며 높이 평가한다고 했다.

양국 정상은 남중국해(베트남 동해)내 평화·안정·안전 및 항행·상공 비행의 자유를 유지하는 것의 중요성을 재확인하고, 특히 ‘해양법에 관한 국제연합 협약(유엔해양법협약, UNCLOS)’을 포함한 국제법 원칙에 기초한 분쟁의 평화적 해결 원칙을 확인했다.

양국 정상은 각 당사국이 자제력을 발휘해 남중국해 내 군사화, 현상 변경 또는 상황을 더 복잡하게 만드는 일방적인 행동을 하지 않을 것을 촉구하고, 남중국해 내 행동선언(DOC)을 전면적·효과적으로 이행해 나갈 것과 유엔해양법협약을 포함한 국제법에 부합하는 효과적이고 실질적인 남중국해 내 행동규칙(COC)을 조속히 타결할 필요성을 강조했다.

양국 정상은 제23차 한-아세안 정상회의 의장성명에 반영된 한반도 문제 관련 공동의 입장을 재확인하고, 핵무기 개발이 한반도와 동아시아 및 세계의 평화와 안정에 위협이 된다는 데 인식을 같이했다.

양측은 북한이 유엔 안보리 관련 결의 및 9.19. 공동성명을 포함한 국제의무와 약속을 성실히 이행할 것을 촉구했으며, 유엔 안보리 결의의 완전한 이행을 위한 국제사회의 노력이 중요하다는 점을 확인했다. 베트남 측은 ‘담대한 구상’을 포함하여 북한 핵문제의 평화적인 해결을 위한 한국 정부의 노력을 환영하고 지지한다고 했다.

양국 정상은 미얀마 상황에 대한 우려를 공유하고 미얀마 국민의 이익 및 역내 평화·안정을 위해 미얀마가 조속히 정상화되길 바란다고 했다. 한국 측은 미얀마 내 모든 이해당사자 간 대화, 폭력 종식, 상황 안정화를 위한 해결 모색 추진에서 아세안 각국과 지속적으로 협력할 준비가 되어있다고 했으며, 아세안의 ‘5개 합의사항’의 효과적인 이행 등을 통한 민주주의의 조속한 회복을 지지한다고 밝혔다. 베트남 측은 한국 측이 인도적 지원 등 미얀마 문제 해결을 위한 아세안 차원의 노력을 지지해 주고 있는 데 감사를 표했다.

양국 정상 임석하에 부속 문서에 포함된 협정과 양해각서가 체결됐다.양국 정상은 응우옌 쑤언 푹 주석의 한국 국빈 방문이 매우 성공적이었으며 양국 간 우호협력 관계의 강화 및 발전뿐만 아니라 지역 및 세계의 평화·안정 및 번영에 기여했다고 평가했다. 

푹 주석은 국빈 방한 기간 동안 베트남 고위급 대표단에 대한 윤석열 대한민국 대통령의 따뜻하고 극진한 환대에 진심 어린 감사를 표하고 가장 빠른 시일 내 윤 대통령 내외의 베트남 방문을 초청한다고 했다. 윤 대통령은 이에 진심 어린 감사를 표하고 초청을 수락했다.

12월 6일 청와대 상춘재 친교 차담


Joint statement Vietnam - Korea on comprehensive strategic partnership

Posted Date:  December 6, 2022 - 08:58

Within the framework of the State visit to Korea, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol held talks and agreed to upgrade bilateral relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Here, the Office of the President would like to introduce the full text of the "Vietnam - Korea Joint Declaration on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership":

At the invitation of President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Suk-yeol, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc paid a State visit to the Republic of Korea from December 4 to 6, 2022. During the visit, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc held talks with President Yoon Suk Yeol and held meetings with senior leaders of the Republic of Korea. The two countries' senior leaders highly appreciated the rapid and effective development of the two countries' relations over the past 30 years, especially since the establishment of the "strategic cooperation partnership" in 2009, exchanging in-depth opinions. on the direction of developing relations in the coming time and on regional and international issues of mutual concern.

This visit to Korea by President Nguyen Xuan Phuc takes place in the context that the two countries Vietnam and South Korea are celebrating the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations (December 12, 1992 - December 12, 2022). ). With confidence in the good future of the two countries' relations, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and President Yoon Suk-yeol agreed to issue a Joint Statement on upgrading the relationship between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea to "" Comprehensive strategic partnership", agreed to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the following specific directions:

The development of Vietnam - Korea relations

1. The two sides highly appreciated the substantive, strong and comprehensive development of bilateral relations after 30 years of establishing diplomatic relations, especially after establishing the strategic cooperative partnership in 2009. , affirming that Vietnam and Korea are each other's leading and important partners in all fields; agreed to continue working closely to bring benefits to the two peoples and contribute to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world. The Korean side affirmed the importance of Vietnam in the implementation of the Global Key National Initiative, the Indo-Pacific Strategy for a Free, Peaceful and Prosperous Indo-Pacific and the ASEAN-Korea Solidarity Initiative. Korean. 

Vietnam welcomes Korea to become a global country, promoting its important role in the region and in the world.  

2. The two countries' senior leaders agreed that exchanges and contacts between the two countries' senior leaders have been actively conducted in recent years, not only reinforcing political trust between the two countries; but also make a great contribution to promoting cooperative relations in the fields of trade, investment, development cooperation, culture and tourism, promoting friendly exchanges between the two peoples; strengthen cooperation in international and regional forums and in issues of mutual concern. 

3. On the basis of achievements in the development of relations over the past 30 years, in order to consolidate the foundation of mutually beneficial cooperative relations, the two sides agreed to contribute to maintaining peace, stability, cooperation and development of the two countries. region and the world. On the occasion of the State visit to the Republic of Korea by President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, the two countries' senior leaders announced the upgrade of the two countries' relations to the level of a "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership", through which the two countries will jointly make efforts to improve the relationship between the two countries. force to develop cooperation in fields to a new height. 

4. In particular, the senior leaders of the two countries highly appreciated the establishment and active operation of the Vietnam - Korea Group of prestigious figures on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations and the completion of the report. report with various proposals on the development of future-oriented relations between the two countries. 

Strengthen political and diplomatic cooperation as well as defense, security and policing

5. The two sides agreed to further promote visits and exchanges between the two countries' senior leaders through flexible and diverse forms such as bilateral visits, meetings at multilateral conferences and meetings. chat online, exchange mail/email. The two countries' senior leaders affirmed the strengthening and deepening of exchange, exchange and dialogue mechanisms between agencies of the Central Government and local governments, between the National Assembly, political parties and organizations Organizations and social classes of the two countries play a very important role in promoting the development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries; decided to expand and further develop the mechanism of dialogue and cooperation between the parties. 

6. The two sides welcomed the signing of a new cooperation agreement between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries, promoting substantive cooperation fields; agreed to continue to support and cooperate for the smooth operation of diplomatic and consular missions of the two countries. The two countries' senior leaders agreed to consider ways to improve efficiency and develop a strategic dialogue mechanism for diplomacy, security and defense at the deputy foreign minister level with the participation of the ministries of foreign affairs and national affairs. rooms and police on both sides.

7. The two sides agreed to continue strengthening defense cooperation, effectively implementing cooperation mechanisms; strengthen the exchange of delegations including the Deputy Ministerial Defense Strategic Dialogue, maritime security cooperation, technology cooperation, and step up cooperation in the fields of defense industry, education and training, through which contributes to deepening the relationship and common cooperation between the two countries, contributing to peace, stability and development in the region and in the world.  

8. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in the fields of security and police, and continue to effectively implement cooperation, dialogue and exchange mechanisms between agencies of the Government. Leaders of the two countries also agreed to strengthen information sharing, coordinate assessment and forecast on strategic issues related to the interests and national security of the two countries; expand and enrich the contents of security and police cooperation, especially in crime prevention, training cooperation, capacity building and law enforcement; strengthen the exchange of delegations at all levels, thereby helping to strengthen the cooperation relationship between the two sides to go deeper, more substantive and more effective. On the other hand, the two sides agreed to cooperate in the field of peacekeeping; promote coordination of propaganda, 

Expand and deepen economic, trade, investment and development cooperation

9. The two sides agreed to promote stable growth of bilateral trade in the direction of balance, maintain their position as each other's leading trading partners, and strive to increase two-way trade turnover to reach USD 100 billion by 2023, aiming to reach USD 150 billion by 2030; agreed to contribute to expanding economic linkages and rules-based free trade in the region through the removal of import regulations and strengthening cooperation in the area of ​​tariffs, including the exchange of goods. electronic certification of origin on the basis of the Mutual Customs Agreement to effectively implement bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation mechanisms such as the Vietnam - Korea Bilateral Free Trade Agreement (VKFTA), The ASEAN-Korea Trade in Goods Agreement (AKFTA) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). 

10. The two sides agreed to strengthen investment cooperation, share information and experience in formulating mechanisms, policies and laws to promote investment activities for start-ups and innovation; promote cooperation in forums and multilateral economic linkage mechanisms. Vietnam wants Korean businesses to make new investments and expand their investment scale in the fields of electronics, renewable energy, infrastructure development, tourism, construction of specialized complexes, zones industry - high quality agriculture, green industrial park, smart city; support Vietnamese businesses to participate more deeply in the global supply chain. Korea affirmed that the development of the financial and banking sector is an essential factor for the comprehensive development of the economy, and asked Vietnam to actively support Korean financial institutions to enter Vietnam. Male, thereby supporting the expansion of investment of Korean enterprises into Vietnam. The Vietnamese side acknowledges and will actively consider this issue.  

11. The Vietnamese side highly appreciates the Korean Government's development aid making an important contribution to Vietnam's socio-economic development. and non-refundable to Vietnam. The Korean side affirmed that it continues to consider Vietnam a key partner in development cooperation of the Republic of Korea, and said it will strengthen cooperation in key areas of cooperation between the two countries such as public administration, including public administration. e-government and education, water management, sanitation, and transportation, and will continue to effectively implement the Financial Cooperation Agreement and the Framework Agreement on EDCF Fund Credits. The two countries' senior leaders welcomed the signing of a framework for cooperation between the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam and the Ministry of Planning and Finance of the Republic of Korea in the fields of transport. health and coping with climate change; In particular, they agreed to continue strengthening cooperation in the fields of high-speed railways, light railways and subways. 

Cooperation on sustainable development, response to climate change and agriculture, energy

12. The two countries' senior leaders shared the importance of maintaining cooperation for the sake of sustainable management of natural resources, including sustainable development, disaster risk reduction, and greenhouse gas emission reduction. , climate change adaptation, green transition and transboundary water resource management; sustainable management, conservation and protection of forest resources. The two countries' senior leaders highly appreciated the signing of the Cooperation Framework Agreement on Climate Change and the Joint Plan of Cooperation on Climate Change towards carbon neutrality by 2050 between the two Governments in 2021, especially cooperation to accomplish strategic tasks to adapt to climate change. The two countries' senior leaders agreed to continue strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the forestry sector, such as the mangrove restoration project in Nam Dinh area, 

13. Leaders of the two countries affirmed the importance of the agricultural sector in the national economy; agreed to expand development cooperation in agriculture and rural areas through capacity building in agriculture and rural areas; research and share experiences on improving the business environment of enterprises operating in the fields of food and agriculture; study, exchange experiences, establish high-tech agricultural cooperation, smart agriculture.  

14. The two sides highly appreciated the participation of Korean enterprises in promoting the development of Vietnam's energy industry; agreed to strengthen cooperation in fields such as cooperation in oil and gas exploration and production, power plant construction, cooperation in safety and energy saving. The Korean side asked the Vietnamese side for support so that the power projects in Vietnam that Korean enterprises are promoting to participate in can be implemented smoothly, and the Vietnamese side agreed to actively consider this content.

Cooperation in science and technology, information and communication

15. The two sides affirmed the role and importance of science and technology in the socio-economic development of each country, and agreed to promote cooperation in science and technology in line with the development strategy. sustainability of each country and the new international economic environment, especially the industrial revolution 4.0 and response to climate change. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in research on climate technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology and information technology; especially cooperation in research on technology to cope with climate change and source technology of the industrial revolution 4.0. The two countries' senior leaders agreed to make joint efforts so that the VKIST Institute, a symbol of science and technology cooperation between the two countries, can operate successfully. The Korean side confirmed that it will continue to support the operation of VKIST in the near future. 

16. The two sides shared the realization that in the digital context that has changed the socio-economic structure and has a great impact on the daily life of mankind, digital technology must contribute to promoting the natural world. peace and prosperity of the two countries. Accordingly, the two sides agreed to promote cooperation in information and communication in line with each country's sustainable development strategy and the new international economic environment, promote cooperation on establishing a new digital order. digital transformation, information technology, information safety and security, digital platform; cooperation in investment in production and technology transfer in the field of information technology. 

Cooperation in labor, health and education 

17. The two countries' senior leaders assessed that labor cooperation has brought practical benefits to both sides; agreed to expand fields and new forms of labor cooperation. The two sides agreed to continue to strengthen coordination and support so that Vietnamese workers in Korea can work safely and healthily while complying with the laws of the two countries, including on the length of stay. The Korean side is committed to improving working and living conditions as well as protecting the rights and interests of Vietnamese workers. The Vietnamese side is committed to creating favorable conditions in simplifying the procedures for residence registration and work permits for Korean workers in Vietnam.  

18. The two countries' senior leaders welcomed the signing of the revised Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in health and medicine by the Ministry of Health of the two sides; agreed to continue to strengthen cooperation in the field of health, especially disease control and prevention, cooperation on the application of information technology in the field of disease prevention and control, medicine, and vaccines. medical equipment, food safety, dealing with population aging, health care as well as training of highly skilled and human resources for staff of the Ministry of Health. The Korean side suggested that the Vietnamese side when amending regulations, including regulations on bidding, would consider the policy in order to have more Korean medical equipment used in Vietnam, and said that it will actively support the construction of the Center for Disease Control in Vietnam at the request of the Vietnamese side. 

19. Senior leaders of the two countries assessed that educational cooperation over the past time has contributed to promoting cooperation in the cultural and social fields between the two countries. The two countries' senior leaders agreed to continue expanding educational cooperation, and the two countries' ministries of Education will periodically organize an effective Vietnam-Korea Human Resource Forum. Korea decided to support the compilation of Korean language teaching textbooks for high schools in Vietnam.

Infrastructure cooperation and urban development

20. Leaders of the two countries agreed to promote cooperation in the field of transport infrastructure construction and urban development in Vietnam. Vietnam welcomes Korean businesses to invest in transport infrastructure in the form of a public-private partnership (PPP). Korea agreed to continue supporting Vietnam in areas of mutual interest such as traffic, urban planning, architecture, housing, urban development, and technical infrastructure.

Cultural cooperation, tourism and people-to-people exchanges

21. Senior leaders of the two sides assessed that cultural, sports and tourism exchanges between the two countries have played an important role in enhancing understanding and friendship between the two peoples; agreed to strengthen and create a favorable environment for people-to-people exchanges, cultural cooperation and public diplomacy between the two countries. The two countries' senior leaders also agreed to step up cooperation between the two countries' research institutions, including conducting exchange visits of researchers from the two countries. Vietnam is considering establishing a Vietnamese Cultural Center in Korea, and the Korean side has agreed to actively cooperate on this. 

22. The two countries' senior leaders agreed to further facilitate people-to-people exchanges, especially efforts to expand cooperation in tourism as well as strengthen tourism exchanges between the two countries. The two countries' senior leaders agreed to pay much attention and support to the communities of the two countries to stabilize their lives, study and work in each country as well as protect their legitimate interests. The two countries' senior leaders agreed to work together so that future generations of multicultural families can play a more active role in youth exchanges between the two countries. The Korean side affirmed that it will increase interest and support for multicultural Vietnamese - Korean families. The Vietnamese side affirmed that it will continue to pay attention to and support the development of the Korean community in Vietnam. Besides,

Regional and international issues

23. The two countries' senior leaders agreed to work closely to respond to global challenges, non-traditional security issues, energy security, food security, economic security, and so on. cooperation in marine environment protection; at the same time, they agreed to strengthen common response capacity to emergency situations, continue to coordinate positions on international issues of common concern and interests. The two countries' senior leaders agreed to closely coordinate in international and regional forums and mechanisms in which the two sides participate and are of common concern, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the United Nations. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) - Korea, Mekong-Korea Cooperation and Mekong cooperation mechanisms of which Korea is a partner , Asia - Europe Cooperation Forum (ASEM), The Partnership for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 (P4G) Summit, Southeast Asia Program (SEARP) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (OECD)... The Korean side introduced the Strategy. the Indo-Pacific Strategy and the ASEAN-Korea Solidarity Initiative of the Korean Government, emphasizing that Vietnam is one of the most important partners in the implementation process in the coming time; The Vietnamese side welcomes this. The Korean side asked Vietnam to support Korea in hosting the Busan 2030 World Expo with the theme of "great transformation of the world, towards a brighter future", the Vietnamese side said it would consider positively. this problem. Korea said it will actively support Vietnam to host the Partnership Summit for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 (P4G) by 2025. The Southeast Asia Program (SEARP) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)... The Korean side introduced the Indo-Pacific Strategy and the Government's ASEAN-Korea Solidarity Initiative. Korea, emphasizing that Vietnam is one of the most important partners in the implementation process in the coming time; The Vietnamese side welcomes this. The Korean side asked Vietnam to support Korea in hosting the Busan 2030 World Expo with the theme of "great transformation of the world, towards a brighter future", the Vietnamese side said it would consider positively. this problem. Korea said it will actively support Vietnam to host the Partnership Summit for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 (P4G) by 2025. The Southeast Asia Program (SEARP) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)... The Korean side introduced the Indo-Pacific Strategy and the Government's ASEAN-Korea Solidarity Initiative. Korea, emphasizing that Vietnam is one of the most important partners in the implementation process in the coming time; The Vietnamese side welcomes this. The Korean side asked Vietnam to support Korea in hosting the Busan 2030 World Expo with the theme of "great transformation of the world, towards a brighter future", the Vietnamese side said it would consider positively. this problem. Korea said it will actively support Vietnam to host the Partnership Summit for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 (P4G) by 2025. The Korean side introduced the Indo-Pacific Strategy and the ASEAN-Korea Solidarity Initiative of the Korean Government, emphasizing that Vietnam is one of the most important partners in the implementation process. next; The Vietnamese side welcomes this. The Korean side asked Vietnam to support Korea in hosting the Busan 2030 World Expo with the theme of "great transformation of the world, towards a brighter future", the Vietnamese side said it would consider positively. this problem. Korea said it will actively support Vietnam to host the Partnership Summit for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 (P4G) by 2025. The Korean side introduced the Indo-Pacific Strategy and the ASEAN-Korea Solidarity Initiative of the Korean Government, emphasizing that Vietnam is one of the most important partners in the implementation process. next; The Vietnamese side welcomes this. The Korean side asked Vietnam to support Korea in hosting the Busan 2030 World Expo with the theme of "great transformation of the world, towards a brighter future", the Vietnamese side said it would consider positively. this problem. Korea said it will actively support Vietnam to host the Partnership Summit for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 (P4G) by 2025. The Korean side asked Vietnam to support Korea in hosting the Busan 2030 World Expo with the theme of "great transformation of the world, towards a brighter future", the Vietnamese side said it would consider positively. this problem. Korea said it will actively support Vietnam to host the Partnership Summit for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 (P4G) by 2025. The Korean side asked Vietnam to support Korea in hosting the Busan 2030 World Expo with the theme of "great transformation of the world, towards a brighter future", the Vietnamese side said it would consider positively. this problem. Korea said it will actively support Vietnam to host the Partnership Summit for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 (P4G) by 2025. 

24. The two sides reaffirmed the importance of solidarity and the central role of ASEAN, and agreed to closely coordinate to promote the role of regional mechanisms, contributing to promoting socio-economic recovery. post-COVID-19, sustainable growth, green development and strengthening international links. Vietnam welcomes and appreciates the practical and effective contributions of the Republic of Korea and is willing to work closely to promote the sustainable and self-resilient development of the Mekong Sub-region through two cooperation frameworks. ASEAN - Korea and Mekong - Korea. 

25. The two countries' senior leaders reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace, stability, safety and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea; especially affirming the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes on the basis of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982). The two countries' senior leaders asked relevant parties to exercise restraint and not take unilateral actions to militarize, change the status quo or complicate the situation in the East Sea; effectively and fully implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), emphasizing the importance of early reaching an effective and substantive Code of Conduct (COC) in the East Sea. accordance with international law, especially with UNCLOS. 

26. The two countries' senior leaders reiterated their common stance on the Korean Peninsula issue stated in the 23rd ASEAN-ROK Presidential Statement; agreed that the development of nuclear weapons threatens the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula, East Asia and the world. The two sides called on North Korea to strictly fulfill its international obligations and commitments, including relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the September 19 Joint Statement; at the same time, affirming the importance of efforts of the international community to fully implement relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. The Vietnamese side welcomes and supports the Korean Government's efforts to peacefully resolve the North Korean nuclear issue, including the Bold Initiative.  

27. The two sides shared concerns about the situation in Myanmar and wished that the situation in Myanmar would soon return to stability for the benefit of the people of Myanmar, and for peace and stability in the region. The Korean side expressed its willingness to continue coordinating with ASEAN countries in promoting finding solutions to stabilize the situation, end violence, dialogue between the parties in Myanmar, and support the effective implementation. ASEAN's "five-point consensus". The Vietnamese side thanked South Korea for supporting ASEAN's efforts in solving the Myanmar issue, including humanitarian aid.  

28. Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding including Annexes were signed in the presence of the Senior Leaders of the two countries. 

29. The two countries' senior leaders agreed that the State visit to the Republic of Korea by President Nguyen Xuan Phuc was a great success, making an important contribution to strengthening and further developing the friendly cooperative relationship. between the two countries, contributing to peace, stability and prosperous development of the region and the world.

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc sincerely thanked South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol for the warm and respectful welcome to the high-ranking Vietnamese delegation during the State visit to Korea and cordially invited Mr. President Yoon Suk-yeol and his wife visit Vietnam as soon as possible. President Yoon Suk-yeol sincerely thanked and happily accepted.


Government Agreement:
1. Protocol amending the Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Republic of Korea on cooperation and mutual assistance in the field of customs.
2. Note Exchange between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Republic of Korea to implement the principle of cumulative origin under the Free Trade Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam South and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Memorandum of understanding between agencies
1. Cooperation framework between the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Korea on the use of official development aid from Korea within the framework of the Fund Economic Development Cooperation (EDCF) and Economic Development Promotion Fund (EDPF).
2. Memorandum of Understanding on promoting cooperation on the basis of the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership" relationship between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. 
3. Memorandum of Understanding on cultural cooperation between the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea for the period 2023-2025. 
4. Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in mining essential minerals between the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Republic of Korea. 
5. Memorandum of Understanding on industrial cooperation in electricity and clean energy between the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Republic of Korea. 
6. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Health of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea on cooperation in the field of healthcare 7. Memorandum of understanding on information technology 
cooperation and tradition between the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Ministry of Science, Technology, Information and Communications of the Republic of Korea.


“New starting point” for a promising journey

State President Nguyen Xuan Phuc led a high-ranking Vietnamese delegation on a state visit to the Republic of Korea on the occasion of the two countries' 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations, creating an important turning point, bringing bilateral cooperation to life. to new heights. The solid foundation of a long, deep and successful cooperation journey with many "sweet fruits" and milestones of raising the relationship to "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership" creates momentum for the two countries to move forward confidently. , get more achievements.


Warm and sincere feelings for President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and our country's high-ranking delegation dispel the cold Seoul weather. Impressive at the welcome ceremony, a series of roaring cannons greeted the occasion, showing special respect for the State visit of the first national guest after President Yoon Suk Yeol took office. Warm handshakes, exhilarating glances and smiles at talks and meetings between the President of the Republic of Korea and Korean senior leaders, state banquets, cultural programs in a loving atmosphere Friendship.

Over the past 30 years, the two countries have become each other's leading partners in all fields. Outstanding evidence for the substantial, strong and comprehensive development relationship are impressive numbers: the number of tourists increased 2,450 times, the bilateral trade turnover increased 161 times. Korea has become Vietnam's largest foreign investor and Vietnam is Korea's fourth largest trading partner.

The joy multiplied when the two countries raised the level of "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership", the highest level in bilateral relations. Korea is focusing on promoting cooperation with ASEAN, and Vietnam plays an important role as a connecting bridge for peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world. On the basis of firm trust, cooperation in various fields has been strengthened and expanded, promising many prospects.

President Yoon Suk Yeol emphasized that the visit is a "new starting point" in the relationship between the two countries, and Korea wishes to promote cooperation in the field of advanced technology through stabilizing supply chains.

The atmosphere of the Vietnam-Korea business forum is lively and exciting, attracting hundreds of businesses to participate. The context of economic recovery after the pandemic requires businesses to be more active, look for opportunities, and make efforts to overcome difficulties. The cooperation agreement between Saigon Telecommunications Technology Company and a consortium of leading Korean investors to invest in Long An awarded at the forum is one of many proofs that Vietnam is an attractive investment destination. With favorable conditions, many businesses wish to cooperate with Vietnamese enterprises and prosper together in the global economic value chain. With the efforts of the Government and the private sector of the two countries, when the investment wave is strong, expanding both in quantity and quality, bilateral trade turnover can reach 100 billion USD next year, Deputy Prime Minister of Korea Choo Kyung-ho expressed confidence.

And it is not difficult to feel the spirit of determination to invest, explore potential, and expand the market in Vietnam through nearly 15 meetings of the President with leaders of large enterprises. The success of many Korean companies in Vietnam has helped and contributed to the economic development of both countries and the total value of all new and expanded agreements, commitments, covenants and investment proposals. businesses during the President's visit estimated nearly 15 billion USD, making them more confident to move forward. The appearance of large factories Samsung, LG... and the promotion of labor export changed the lives of people in many rural areas and Korean branded products exported to the world market have wisdom, contribution of diligent Vietnamese engineers and workers.

That belief was also strengthened during the difficult days of the Covid-19 pandemic. In response to Korea's sincere support for nearly 1.4 million doses of vaccines and medical equipment for epidemic prevention and control, Vietnam prioritized supporting Korean businesses to soon deploy epidemic vaccination so that production lines could not be affected. interrupted, although the vaccine source is not much. In difficult times, more than 200,000 Koreans in Vietnam appreciate the attention and facilitation of the Vietnamese Party and State for them.

On every occasion of meeting, the two countries' senior leaders are excited when their people do business and live safely and stably in the other country and the joy spreads, giving more impetus to activities to take care of and create favorable conditions. more practical event. Appreciated when the President listened to the thoughts and aspirations before the visit, leaders of organizations representing the Korean community in Vietnam hoped that the success of the visit would open up many opportunities for cooperation and investment. more convenient and efficient.

With a large number of Vietnamese people, especially young people, the image of the country and Korean people is no longer strange through humanistic films, vibrant K-pop songs and dances, and flavorful dishes. land of kimchi, impressive fashion. Vietnamese fans love Mr. Park Hang-seo, a talented coach who has led the "Golden star warriors" to win resoundingly in many international tournaments.

In Korea, many people love pho, spring rolls, bread or Vietnamese coffee. Nearly 70,000 Vietnamese and Korean families have become "joints", a bridge connecting the friendship deeper. The similarities in history and culture, the spirit of studiousness, the virtue of industriousness, the value of family and the emphasis on the word love, and sincere sympathy and attachment make the relationship stronger. The Vietnamese community is young, but adapts quickly, works hard, takes care of and helps each other, and their heart is always towards the motherland. Understanding the feelings of people far from home, after just over an hour in Korea, the President met overseas Vietnamese.

Through the story of children of multicultural families still learning Vietnamese online during the pandemic to know the language of their parents, preserving the beauty of Vietnamese culture, and the spirit of "mutual love and mutual affection." spread, many exciting community activities to promote the image of the country, in each person's heart overflowed with emotion and pride. The President affirmed that the Party and State are always interested in supporting and protecting the legitimate interests of overseas Vietnamese, instructing them to well observe local laws, unite, love each other, and aim for a good life. than.

Inspired by enthusiasm, President of the Vietnamese Student Association in Korea, Tran Thien Quang, representing nearly 70,000 Vietnamese students, said that he will strive to strive, raise intellectual levels, innovate, and start a business. “Vietnamese unicorn” is present in Korea…

Huynh Thi Thai, who has lived in Seoul for nearly half a century, confided that every time she returned to her hometown, she witnessed the country "changing flesh and blood", very happy. "The boat follows the driver, the girl follows the husband", many Vietnamese brides, after being surprised at first, confidently integrate, cultivate a happy home, considering Korea as their second homeland.

Through jubilant festivals and cultural events throughout the year, especially the "birthday" of 30 years of "two close friends", spreading cultural values ​​of the two countries, people bond closely. trust each other more. Wishing to have a Vietnamese Cultural Center in Korea soon, Professor Lee Han-woo of Sogang University said that it is necessary to promote cultural exchanges and promote more so that Koreans can understand and love Vietnam more.

From a poor country more than 35 years ago, Vietnam has developed dynamically, is a bright spot for economic recovery after the pandemic, striving to achieve the goal of being a developed and high-income country by 2045. South Korea has made a "miracle of the Han River" and is implementing a strategy to become a key global country. The solid foundation of the successful and potential cooperation journey, the opportunity for the two countries to develop strongly in the movement of the global industrial revolution 4.0 in terms of digital economy transformation and green growth. will open up bright new horizons in the next 30 years.


State President successfully concludes State visit to Korea

Post date:  07/12/2022 - 09:02

According to VNA Special Envoy, on the night of December 6 and early morning, December 7, the special plane carrying President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and a high-ranking Vietnamese delegation arrived at Noi Bai International Airport, Hanoi capital, successfully ending the special event. State visit to the Republic of Korea at the invitation of President Yoon Suk Yeol.

As expected by the people of the two countries, with the convergence of necessary and sufficient conditions, the very high confidence and political determination of the leaders of the two countries, during the visit, State President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and President Nguyen Xuan Phuc met Mr. President Yoon Suk Yeol has jointly issued a Joint Statement on upgrading the relationship between Vietnam and Korea to the level of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, officially opening a new chapter in Vietnam - Korea relations with a bright future. of two countries, two peoples.

This is the first visit to Korea by President Nguyen Xuan Phuc in his new position and the first visit of our President to Korea after 11 years. Vietnam has come to Korea since the country has a new president.

The official welcoming ceremony of President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and the Vietnamese high-ranking delegation took place very solemnly with many series of cannons roaring to welcome in the capital Seoul according to the highest rites of the Republic of Korea under the chairmanship of the President. Yoon Suk Yeol.

(Notably, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc is the first foreign high-ranking leader to visit Korea at a state level since President Yoon Suk Yeol came to power;) showing the importance of Korea in relations with Vietnam when welcoming the President of our country with the highest etiquette.

On the basis of the achievements of relations development over the past 30 years, in order to strengthen the foundation of mutually beneficial cooperation, at the meeting, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol announced the upgrade The relationship between the two countries has risen to the level of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, through which the two countries will jointly strive to develop cooperation in various fields to a new height. The two sides agreed to promote stable growth of bilateral trade turnover in a balanced direction, maintain their position as each other's leading trading partners, and strive to raise two-way trade turnover to 100 billion VND in the immediate future. USD in 2023, aiming to reach 150 billion USD by 2030. Senior leaders of the two countries also witnessed the signing of many cooperation documents between ministries, sectors, localities and businesses of the two countries.

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Suk Yeol issued a Joint Statement between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, aiming to guide the deep trust cooperation between the two countries in all areas. The field is becoming more and more in-depth, substantive and effective.

Speaking at a joint press conference right after the talks, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc expressed his belief that, with the determination of the leaders and people of the two countries, the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership will bring cooperation between the two countries. The country has turned to a new page to develop strongly to a new height, for the benefit of the two peoples, and actively contribute to peace, stability and development in the region and in the world.

For his part, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol affirmed: "The two governments will closely cooperate and implement the diverse cooperation options that the President of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc and I discussed yesterday. now". President Yoon Suk Yeol emphasized that the visit will be a "new starting point" in the Vietnam-Korea relationship.

President Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife also hosted a state banquet for President Nguyen Xuan Phuc. The reception was attended by senior leaders and a large number of officials of the two countries.

At meetings with Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Han Duck-soo, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Kim Jin-pyo, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and senior leaders of the Republic of Korea exchanged a number of directions. cooperation under the framework of a comprehensive strategic partnership in the coming time in all fields; determined to deepen bilateral cooperation in proportion to its new stature, for the benefit of the two peoples, and to contribute to regional cooperation and development.

Paying special attention to the promotion of investment, trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, within the framework of the visit, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc had 12 meetings with nearly 30 leaders of corporations and banks. Korea's leading banks and financial institutions, investors (Samsung Electronics, Lotte, Hyosung, LG, Hyundai Motor, CJ, Daewoo E&C, GS E&C, Doosan, KDB Bank, ...) are operating. invest tens of billions of dollars in Vietnam.

Speaking at the meetings, the President affirmed that the two countries' high-level leaders' agreement to elevate the two countries' relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership would help to improve the two countries' political trust and the cooperation framework. is enhanced. This is the foundation, a solid launch pad for businesses of the two countries to rest assured for long-term cooperation, larger scale and more success.

Another highlight event was that President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Korean Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Finance Choo Kyung-ho attended and spoke at the Vietnam-Korea Business Forum with Mr. the participation of more than 500 delegates and businesses of the two countries.

In his speech at the event, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc stated: "The new height of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries is an encouragement, belief and a strong driving force for the cooperation between the two countries. successful cooperation and further success of businesses of the two countries, and that is also the success of the comprehensive strategic partnership.” President Nguyen Xuan Phuc affirmed, Vietnam is committed to always sharing , accompanying and creating favorable conditions for Korean businesses to invest effectively and sustainably in Vietnam.

In addition to the agreements agreed by the parties, there are 15 cooperation agreements officially signed by the parties in the presence of the two countries' senior leaders. The total value of all agreements, commitments, covenants and new and expanded investment proposals of businesses during this visit by President Nguyen Xuan Phuc is estimated at nearly 15 billion USD.(방한기간 150억달러 규모 투자계약)

Appreciating the work of overseas Vietnamese, as soon as he arrived in Seoul to begin his state visit to the Republic of Korea, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc met, visited and had a friendly talk with officials and employees of the University. Vietnamese embassy and Vietnamese community in Korea. Also at the embassy, ​​the President had cordial meetings with cultural and friendship organizations that play an important role in promoting the Vietnam-Korea cooperation and people-to-people exchanges as representatives of the Vietnamese Communist Party. surnamed Ly in Korea, Korea-Vietnam Friendship Association; Korea - Vietnam Economic and Cultural Association and Prestigious People Group in Korea (EPG).

In order to promote people-to-people exchanges between the two countries and two peoples, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc visited a typical Vietnamese-Korean multicultural family and had a meeting and working session with the city government. Gwangju, Gyeonggi Province. Here, the President and the delegation attended the ceremony to welcome and announce Vietnam Day of Gwangju city. Before leaving Gyeonggi Province, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and the Vietnamese high-ranking delegation visited the "Vietnamese Cultural Space" and attended a special art performance to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Vietnam. South Korea - South Korea with art performances, mixed variety, carefully selected to recreate typical folk art forms of the two ethnic groups Vietnam - Korea.

With special success from raising the relationship between Vietnam - Korea to a comprehensive strategic partnership; recognition of great achievements in the relationship between the two countries over the past 30 years; At the same time, creating a framework and setting the direction for the relationship to continue to develop strongly in the coming time, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc's state visit to the Republic of Korea clearly demonstrated the strategic trust between the two countries. Senior leaders of the two countries; aims to better ensure national and national interests as well as the interests of localities, businesses and people of the two countries.

Nearly 30 consecutive activities within just 3 days of visiting (from December 4 to 6), the success of the state visit of President Nguyen Xuan Phuc is once again an affirmation of the independent foreign policy. establishment, self-reliance, peace, cooperation and development; diversification and multilateralization in the external relations of the Party and State of Vietnam. Along with that is continuing to deepen bilateral relations; at the same time create a position to intertwine benefits, increase reliability; successfully carry out the foreign affairs tasks set out at the 13th National Party Congress.

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