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Vladaiclub report 2023 "Maturity Certificate, or The Order That Never Was"


by gino's 2023. 10. 9. 14:44



The Valdai Club’s report from last year, titled “A World Without Superpowers”17 concluded with the following passage: “The democratisation of the international environment needs an appropriate response, which is not about suppressing but harmonising interests and respecting pluralism of opinions and assessments. Hierarchy gives way to distributed interaction. A world without superpowers will need a system of self-regulation, which implies much greater freedom of action and responsibility for such actions.”

The events of the past twelve months have confi rmed our conclusion. Humanity is entering an era of new political relations. This era is closely tied to the preceding history because the factors and circumstances that will shape the future are inherited from previous periods. However, it will be quite different because the previous concepts will need to be used in a different context.

The name of the emerging system will come after it takes shape. Its qualitative characteristics will depend on many factors, including how responsibly current actors – large, medium, and small (everyone infl uences international processes now) – approach building their relationships and whether they pass the test for their maturity certifi cate (this expressive name has traditionally been given to the highschool completion document in Russia).

Self-regulation is an attribute of maturity. It is when states can address their issues without the need for suppressive or hierarchical structures, while also not creating insurmountable problems for others. Failing this exam is too dangerous for everyone


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