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한미 2+2 서울회담 공동성명 210318+한미동맹 Factsheet

by gino's 2021. 3. 30.

2021 한미 외교-국방 장관회의 공동성명

대한민국 정의용 외교장관과 서욱 국방장관은 2021년 3월 18일 서울에서 미합중국 안토니 블링컨 국무장관과 로이드 오스틴 국방장관과 함께 한미 외교-국방 장관회의를 개최하였다. 
양국 장관들은 70년 전 전장에서 피로 맺어진 한미동맹이 한반도와 인도-태평양 지역의 평화, 안보, 그리고 번영의 핵심축임을 재확인하였다. 범세계적 위협이 고조되고 있는 상황에서 한미동맹은 그 어느 때보다 중요하다.

또한, 양국 장관들은 한미동맹이 상호 존중과 신뢰, 긴밀한 우정, 강한 인적 유대, 그리고 자유, 민주주의, 인권, 법치라는 공유된 가치들을 기반으로 포괄적이고 범세계적인 협력관계로 발전해 오고 있음을 평가하였다. 양국 장관들은 굳건한 교역관계, 기후위기 대응 협력, 전염병 대응 및 코로나19 이후 경제회복 협조 등 다양한 분야에서 상호보완적이고 미래지향적인 협력을 더욱 증진해 나가기로 하였다.

양국 장관들은 한미상호방위조약」에 따라 한국 방어와 한미 연합 방위태세 강화에 대한 상호 공약을 재확인하였다. 오스틴 국방장관과 블링컨 국무장관은 미국의 대한 방위 공약 및 모든 범주의 역량을 사용한 확장억제 공약을 재확인하였다. 양국 장관들은 동맹의 억제 태세를 강화해 나가기로 하고, 연합 훈련-연습을 통해 동맹에 대한 모든 공동 위협에 맞서 합동준비태세를 유지하는 것이 중요함을 재강조하였다. 양국 장관들은 주한미군이 한반도 및 역내 평화와 안정 유지에 중요한 역할을 지속 수행함에 주목하고, 한미가 공동의 도전 대처에 필요한 전력 태세와 역량을 확보하기 위한 노력을 지속해 나가기로 하였다.   

양국 장관들은 새로운 다년도 방위비분담특별협정에 대한 원칙적 합의가 한미동맹에 대한 공동의 의지를 상징하며, 주한미군의 안정적인 주둔을 지원하고 연합방위태세를 강화함을 확인하였다. 

양국 장관들은 한미가 2006년 전작권 전환을 추진하기로 결정한 이래, 양국 공동의 노력을 통해 커다란 진전을 이루었음에 주목하고, 조건에 기초한 전작권 전환 계획」에 따라 전작권을 전환한다는 확고한 의지를 재강조하였다. 이러한 진전을 바탕으로, 양국 장관들은 전작권 전환을 위해 계속 노력해 가기로 하였다.

양국 장관들은 북한 핵·탄도미사일 문제가 동맹의 우선 관심사임을 강조하고, 이 문제에 대처하고 해결한다는 공동의 의지를 재확인하였다. 양국 장관들은 북한을 포함한 국제사회가 관련 유엔 안보리결의를 완전히 이행하는 것이 중요함을 확인하였다. 한미는 한반도와 관련된 모든 문제들을 긴밀히 조율하고 있다. 양국 장관들은 이러한 문제들이 한미 간 완전히 조율된 대북전략 하에 다루어져야 한다는 데 의견을 같이 하였다. 이를 위해, 양국 장관들은 진행 중인 미국의 대북정책 검토와 관련 하여 고위급 협의를 계속해 나가기로 하였다.

양국 장관들은 한미일 3국 협력의 중요성을 확인하고, 역내 평화, 안보, 그리고 번영을 증진하기 위해 상호호혜적이고 미래지향적인 협력을 계속해 나가기로 하였다. 

역내 안보환경에 대한 점증하는 도전을 배경으로, 한미동맹이 공유 하는 가치는 규범에 기초한 국제질서를 훼손하고 불안정하게 하는 모든 행위에 반대한다는 양국의 공약을 뒷받침하고 있다. 

한미는 평화와 안정을 유지하고, 합법적 교역을 방해받지 않으며, 국제법을 존중한다는 양국 공동의 의지를 강조하였다. 한미는 한국의 신남방정책과의 연계 협력을 통해 자유롭고 개방된 인태지역을 만들기 위해 함께 협력해 나간다는 결의를 재강조하였다. 양국은 아세안 중심성과 다른 지역적 노력을 지원하기 위해 함께 헌신해 나갈 것이다. 양국 장관들은 진행 중인 양자 대화가 태평양 도서국 및 메콩 소지역에서의 공조 확대에 기여하고 있음을 평가하였다.

양국 장관들은 점증하는 범세계적 도전에 공동으로 대응하기 위해 연대와 협력을 증진시키는 데 있어 한미가 수행해 온 역할을 강조하였다. 양국 장관들은 무역, 보건, 비확산, 원자력, 코로나19, 기후위기 대응, 우주, 사이버안보 등 다양한 분야에서 협력을 심화해 나가기로 하였다. 

양국 장관들은 공유 가치에 기반하고 신뢰로 맺어진 한미동맹이 그 어느 때보다도 강력함을 강조하였다. 도전과 기회의 시대를 맞아, 양국 장관들은 한미동맹의 역동성과 호혜성, 그리고 무한한 잠재력에 주목 하면서, 앞으로도 양국 간 협력을 더욱 심화, 발전시켜 나가기로 하였다.  


Joint Statement of the 2021 Republic of Korea – United States Foreign and Defense Ministerial Meeting (“2+2”)



MARCH 18, 2021

The following statement was released by the Governments of the United States and the Republic of Korea:

Republic of Korea (ROK) Minister of Foreign Affairs Chung Eui-yong and Minister of National Defense Suh Wook hosted a Joint Foreign and Defense Ministerial meeting with United States (U.S.) Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III in Seoul on March 18, 2021.

The Ministers and Secretaries reaffirmed that the ROK-U.S. Alliance, forged in blood on the battlefield 70 years ago, serves as the linchpin of peace, security, and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and the Indo-Pacific region. Amid increasing global threats, the Alliance has never been more important.

They also acknowledged that the ROK-U.S. Alliance has developed into a comprehensive global partnership grounded in mutual respect and trust, close friendship, strong people-to-people ties, and shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. They vowed to further promote mutually-reinforcing and future-oriented cooperation across a wide range of areas encompassing a robust trade relationship, cooperation on combatting the climate crisis, and coordination on pandemic relief and post-COVID-19 economic recovery.

Both sides reaffirmed a mutual commitment to the defense of the ROK and to the strengthening of the ROK-U.S. combined defense posture, consistent with the ROK-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty. U.S. officials reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to the defense of the ROK and its extended deterrence using the full range of U.S. capabilities. Both sides committed to strengthening the Alliance deterrence posture, and they reiterated the importance of maintaining joint readiness against all shared threats to the Alliance through combined training and exercises. Both Secretaries and Ministers noted that U.S. forces in the ROK continue to play a critical role in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the region, and committed to continuing to ensure that we have the force posture and capabilities necessary to meet our common challenges.

Both sides affirmed that the agreement in principle on a new multi-year Special Measures Agreement is a symbol of the shared commitment to the ROK-U.S. Alliance, supports the stable presence of U.S. forces stationed in Korea, and enhances our combined defense posture.

The Ministers and Secretaries noted that since both sides decided to pursue the transition of wartime Operational Control (OPCON) in 2006, the ROK and the United States have achieved great progress through their combined efforts and reiterated their firm commitment to wartime OPCON transition consistent with the Conditions-Based OPCON Transition Plan (COT-P).  Building on this progress, the leaders pledged to continue efforts toward the transition.

The Ministers and Secretaries emphasized that North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile issues are a priority for the Alliance, and reaffirmed a shared commitment to address and resolve these issues.They affirmed the importance of full implementation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions by the international community, including North Korea. The ROK and the United States are closely coordinating on all issues related to the Korean Peninsula. Both sides shared the view that these issues should be addressed through a fully-coordinated strategy toward North Korea between the ROK and the United States. To this end, they committed to maintain high-level consultations on the United States’ ongoing North Korea policy review.

The Ministers and Secretaries affirmed the importance of ROK-U.S.-Japan trilateral cooperation and pledged to continue promoting mutually-beneficial, forward looking cooperation to promote peace, security, and prosperity in the region.

(Against the backdrop of increasing challenges to the regional security environment, the shared values of the ROK-U.S. Alliance undergird the two countries’ commitment to opposing all activities that undermine and destabilize the rules-based international order. The ROK and the United States emphasized that they remain united in their shared commitment to maintaining peace and stability, unimpeded lawful commerce, and respect for international law. The ROK and the United States reiterated their resolve to continue to work together to create a free and open Indo-Pacific region through cooperation with the ROK’s New Southern Policy.  The two countries are united in their dedication to support ASEAN centrality and other regional efforts.  Both sides acknowledged the contributions of ongoing bilateral dialogues to expanding regional coordination with the Pacific Island countries and in the Mekong sub-region.

The Ministers and Secretaries emphasized the role that the ROK and the United States have played in nurturing partnership and cooperation in our collective response to an increasing number of global challenges. They committed to deepening cooperation across a range of areas including trade, health, non-proliferation, nuclear energy, COVID-19,combatting the climate crisis, space, and cybersecurity.

The Ministers and Secretaries emphasized that the ROK-U.S. Alliance—built upon shared values and bonded by trust— is stronger than ever. In this era of challenges and opportunities, the Ministers and Secretaries noted the dynamism, reciprocity, and boundless potential of the Alliance and reiterated their commitment to further advancing and deepening ROK-U.S. cooperation.


Secretary Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong, and Republic of Korea Defense Minister Suh Wook at a Joint Press Availability





*MODERATOR:*  (Via interpreter)  Ladies and gentlemen, foreign and defense ministers.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  We will now start the joint press conference of the ROK-U.S. foreign and defense ministers.  The opening remarks will be made in the order of Minister Chung, Secretary Blinken, Minister Suh, and Secretary Austin.

After the opening remarks of the four ministers and secretaries, we will have a Q&A by two journalists from the Korean and the U.S. side respectively.

First, Minister Chung.

*FOREIGN MINISTER CHUNG:*  (Via interpreter) Good morning, everyone.  It is my utmost pleasure to welcome and to stand with Secretary Blinken, Secretary Austin, and Minister Suh.

First of all, regarding the gun shoot that happened in Atlanta, Georgia last night, I would like to send our deepest heart to those who are sacrificed.  Among those sacrificed, we confirmed that there are Korean Americans as well.  It is our utmost interest to seek the safety of those Koreans living in the U.S.  Our heart also go to those who are sacrificed as Americans.  Also, in the starting of the meeting today, both Secretary Blinken and Secretary Austin expressed their concerns and also the disheartening of the incident.  Thank you very much for mentioning that.

And also, I’d like to welcome two secretaries once again for coming to Korea in the early days of their appointment.  It has been 11 years since we had the both secretaries of the State and Defense from the U.S. that happened in 2010.  We confirmed once again today in this meeting that both countries are the linchpins of the peace, security, and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula, and the South – in Northeast Asia with the ROK-U.S. Alliance having the 70 years of history.  Based on the solid alliance, we made sure of the commitment to strengthen our strategic communications.  Also, we are expecting that this kind of effort will be – lead to the summit meeting between our two countries in the coming future.

Also, we decided that reciprocal and the future-oriented cooperations will be further expanded having the cooperation of the discussions on the coming issues.  The signing ceremony that happened right before – regarding SMA – has been reaffirming the solidity of the ROK-U.S. Alliance, having resolved a long-term issue.

And also, both countries have confirmed our consensus on three major areas.  First of all, the North Korea nuclear issue is the most immediate issue and it is necessary to have the close coordination between our two countries.

Secondly, in order to resolve the North Korea nuclear issue in a peaceful manner, the best diplomatic efforts will be made based on the solid security base.

Lastly, in the process of review process of the North Korea by the U.S., as well as the implementation period, fully coordinated strategy will be the base for our coordination.  Both countries will continue to have the cooperation for the sake of the progress of the Korean peace process.  Also, for the regional peace, security, and prosperity, both countries have decided to continue our cooperation, reciprocal, and the futuristic manner among the three lateral countries, with Japan.  Also with the New Southern Policy and its cooperation, we decided to have the common prosperity and stability, especially in the Indo-Pacific area.  Regarding climate change and COVID-19, we decided to have the joint responses based on our alliance.  We also decided to have that cooperation of the 2+2 meeting.  It will be very meaningful.

And also, we reaffirmed that when both countries are together, we can have the strongest power, and also our greatest asset, which is the U.S. alliance, can be sound and is reciprocal in the future and meet the time of the demands.

*MODERATOR:*  (Via interpreter) Thank you very much.  Secretary Blinken, please.

*SECRETARY BLINKEN:*  Well, good morning, everyone, and Mr. Minister Eui-yong, thank you for hosting us.  It’s an honor to join you, to join the defense minister, and of course, my friend and colleague Secretary of Defense Austin, for today’s 2+2 ministerial meeting.

Thank you also just for hosting me for two days in a row, and to the people of the Republic of Korea for, as always, their incredibly warm hospitality.  And I want to reiterate again our outrage and grief over the deaths of eight women in Atlanta yesterday, including, we hear, four of Korean descent.  We stand with the Korean community and everyone united against violence and hate.

This trip, as has been noted, is the first by any member of President Biden’s cabinet overseas, and it’s no accident that Secretary Austin and I came here.  The U.S.-Republic of Korea Alliance is, as we have long said, the linchpin of peace, security, and prosperity in Northeast Asia, the Indo-Pacific, and around the world.  But we came here not only to reaffirm that fact and to reaffirm our alliance, but to build on it, and that is exactly what we’ve been doing.

We just witnessed, as the minister said, the initialing of an agreement (in principle) on the text of the Special Measures Agreement.  And this is the result of very diligent efforts by both sides to arrive at a fair and equitable agreement.  It will strengthen our alliance.  It will strengthen our shared defense.

This effort and our trip to the region is part of the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to reinvigorate and modernize our alliances and partnerships around the world, which are critical and crucial to the security and prosperity of the American people.  That’s the message we’ve underscored earlier this week in our meetings with our counterparts in Japan.  That’s the message you see reflected in the joint statement that we signed and we’ll release today.

Our renewed engagement will put us on firmer footing to address a series of shared security challenges in the region (and beyond), including the threat posed by North Korea.  President Biden plans to complete a North Korea policy review in the weeks ahead in close coordination and consultation with the Republic of Korea, with Japan, with other key partners, including reviewing pressure options and potential for future diplomacy.

But as we conveyed to the foreign minister and the defense minister, the goals of this policy are clear:  We are committed to the denuclearization of North Korea, reducing the broader threat the DPRK poses to the United States and our allies, and improving the lives of all Koreans, including the people of North Korea who continue to suffer widespread and systematic abuses at the hands of their repressive government.

We also discussed China.  We are clear-eyed about Beijing’s consistent failure to uphold its commitments and we spoke about how Beijing’s aggressive and authoritarian behavior are challenging the stability, security, and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region.  Beijing’s actions make forging a common approach among our allies all the more important at a time when we’re seeing a rollback of democracy and human rights around the world, including in Burma, where the military is attempting to overturn the results of the democratic election by brutally repressing peaceful protesters.

It is more important than ever that we stand together for the values, for the interests that unite us.  And we covered a range of challenges that transcend borders, including cyber security, health security, climate change.  At the time this alliance was forged, many of these threats were not even on the horizon, but they certainly are now, and we’re determined to work together, particularly through trilateral cooperation among the United States, South Korea, and Japan to meet them.  While our diplomacy and security ties are ironclad, I think it’s also very clear that the U.S.-ROK relationship goes even deeper than that.  It’s rooted in mutual trust, in shared values, deeply intertwined economic interests, and, of course – and maybe most important – generations of family and community ties and having one another’s back in the most difficult times.

That’s what we saw in the early days of the pandemic when the Republic of Korea donated two million face masks to our country to help us fill a critical shortfall.  Five hundred thousand of those masks went to our Department of Veterans Affairs, which means that some Americans who 70 years earlier had fought side by side with Koreans found themselves protected from a deadly virus thanks to the masks donated by the Republic of Korea today.  That is what an alliance looks like.

Thank you, and it’s really wonderful to be with you.

*MODERATOR:*  (Via interpreter) Thank you, Mr. Secretary.  Minister Suh, please.

*DEFENSE MINISTER SUH:*  (Via interpreter) Today, we have held the ROK-U.S. foreign and defense ministers meeting in five years.  It was a great opportunity for us to reaffirm the rock-solid ROK-U.S. Alliance that has been growing in the last seven decades based on trust and commitment.  We have appreciated the strong combined defense posture of the alliance based on the Mutual Defense Treaty, and reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to the defense of Korea and extended deterrence.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we have successfully completed the Combined Command post training in the first half of this year and created the necessary conditions for OPCON transition in enhancement of the preparedness of the alliance.  The alliance has made coordinated efforts to reach the conditions for a successful OPCON transition and agreed to continue to cooperate for OPCON transition.  The ministers also agreed to closely communicate and cooperate to achieve common goals of complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and establishing permanent peace.

We have also decided to continue the harmonious cooperation between the New Southern Policy of Korea and the Indo-Pacific Strategy of the U.S. for peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.  The two ministers will continue to cooperate in a future oriented manner.  Thank you.

*MODERATOR:*  (Via interpreter) Now, Secretary Austin, please.

*SECRETARY AUSTIN:*  Well, Minister Suh, Minister Chung, Secretary Blinken, it is a privilege to be here in Seoul with all of you.

And first and foremost, as my colleagues have pointed out, I am also saddened by the horrific attacks in Atlanta, Georgia yesterday, where we believe several women of Korean descent were killed.  Our deepest sympathies go out to all those affected by this horrific crime and specifically the families of those who were killed.  And I share my colleague’s view that violence of this type or any other type has no place in our society.

Now today’s meeting is a testament to the importance of our alliance.  With the many challenges that we face, our bond, forged through shared sacrifice, is more important now than ever.  For 70 years, the U.S. commitment to the U.S.-ROK Alliance has remained – as Secretary Blinken described, has remained ironclad.  It is founded on our shared interests and values and is among the strongest bilateral, interoperable, and dynamic alliances in the world.  And it is critical not only to the security of the Republic of Korea and the United States, but also to the peace and stability of Northeast Asia and a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

The United States remains fully committed to the defense of the Republic of Korea, using the full range of U.S. capabilities, including our extended deterrent.  As the United States and the Republic of Korea continue to maintain a robust combined defense posture, we also remain committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.  There is no daylight between us on this point.

And today, we discussed the way forward on a host of critical strategic and operational issues.  And at the top of my agenda was ensuring a shared understanding of the importance of maintaining military readiness.  Our force remains ready to fight tonight and we continue to make progress toward the eventual transition of wartime operational control to an ROK-commanded future combined forces command.

While meeting all the conditions for this transition will take more time, I am confident that this process will strengthen our alliance.  And so we have a lot to look forward to as, together, we address global security – the global security challenges and engage in long-term strategic competition, mainly with China, which, as some of you know, is our department’s pacing challenge in the years ahead.

Today, we continue to work together to identify areas for collaboration within our respective regional strategies, particularly upholding a rules-based international order and building capacity for partners in the region.  I’m especially pleased with the initialing of the Special Measures Agreement, which reflects our commitment to this alliance and illustrate the Biden administration’s promise to revitalize our network of alliances and partnerships.  And so that is why we reaffirmed our commitment to the U.S.-ROK-Japan trilateral defense cooperation, because we recognize the value of multilateralism.  And we value a forward-looking agenda to address both current and future shared challenges.

Our work in today’s foreign and defense ministerial meetings reflects our firm belief that leading with diplomacy backed by a strong combined defense posture and working closely with our allies and partners will allow us to meet every challenge and outmatch every competitor.  It is why we place great value on the U.S.-ROK Alliance, which has remained the linchpin of peace, security, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific for nearly three quarters of a century.

We face many challenges together and we’ve risen to the occasion each time.  And we are grateful to the call of the Republic of Korea, one of our closest friends and most steadfast partners, and I’m confident that our two countries will work to – continue to work shoulder-to-shoulder to meet all challenges and any competitor for the next 70 years and beyond.

As I said to Minister Suh in our meeting yesterday, we will continue to go together in the future.  Thank you.

*MODERATOR:*  (Via interpreter) Thank you, Mr. Secretary.  Next, we’re going to have Q&A.  Due to time constraint, as previously arranged, two journalists from the Korean and the U.S. sides will ask questions respectively.  First, the Korean side.  We have Mr. Hong Ju-hyeong from “Segye Daily” to ask a question.

*QUESTION:*  (Via interpreter) Nice to meet you all.  My name is Hong Ju-hyeong.  I have two questions.

First of all, North Korea policy – this question goes to Minister Chung and Secretary Blinken:  Do you believe that the U.S. needs to respect the Singapore agreement?  Recently, Choe Son-hui of North Korea said that the difficult situations will continue unless U.S. stops its hostile policy to North Korea.

The second question goes to global cooperation.  Minister Chung, have you been asked to join Quad in this series of meetings?  Secretary Blinken, do you believe Korea can contribute to the strengthening of Quad?  And what kind of active engagement are you planning toward the ROK-U.S. Alliance?

*FOREIGN MINISTER CHUNG:*  (Via interpreter) Let me answer the question first.

Regarding North Korea policy, now the Singapore agreement, from the Korean Government’s perspective, is a confirmation of fundamental principles to resolve the UK – resolve the U.S.-North Korea relations, establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula, and denuclearization, though it needs to be considered seriously.  Recently, Kim Yo-jong made a statement and Choe Son-hui made another statement today, and I am closely monitoring the situation.  It seems North Korea is reviewing its policy toward the U.S., and it seems that North Korea is closely monitoring the dialogue between ROK and U.S. regarding North Korea policy.  I believe it’s their own way of sending messages to us and the U.S.  Today, we briefly discussed on this issue.  Now we will continue to closely coordinate on this issue with the U.S., and I support the Biden administration’s efforts to engage North Korea, and hope that the talks will be resumed.

On the visit of the secretaries from the U.S., there was no direct discussion about Korea joining Quad.  However, we discussed how we can harmonize and coordinate the New Southern Policy of South Korea and the Indo-Pacific Strategy of the U.S. (As I have stated several times, )the Korean Government’s position is that if it conforms with the national interest of Korea and transparency and inclusiveness is ensured, we can join "any" regional cooperative body.

*SECRETARY BLINKEN:*  Well, thank you very much for the question.  I think as you know, with regard to North Korea, we’re engaged in a comprehensive policy review, which we hope to complete in the weeks ahead.  But what’s significant about that review is it’s being done in very close consultation with the Republic of Korea, with Japan, with other allies.

We have a shared concern, a shared interest in having a strong, effective, and coordinated policy and proceeding together in lockstep.  We’re focused on reducing the threat to the United States, to our allies, posed by North Korea’s nuclear program, its missile programs, (and to improving the lives of people in North Korea), throughout the region as well.  And we will continue to consult very closely in the weeks ahead as we complete the review.

With regard to the Quad, I would just say it’s – I think as you know, it’s an informal grouping of likeminded countries that have come together to deepen cooperation on a whole host of issues.  Many of these issues we’re also working very closely with the Republic of Korea.  We find that working through some of these sub-regional groupings, (including the trilateral, the work we do with Korea and Japan,) is very beneficial in addressing some of the challenges we face.

One of the – one of the, I think, realities of the moment we’re in is that when you consider virtually all of the issues that are actually affecting the lives of our people and of our citizens, whether it’s climate, whether it’s the pandemic, whether it’s emerging technologies – and I could go down the list – not a single one can be effectively addressed by any one country acting alone.   We have to find ways to deepen cooperation, to deepen coordination with likeminded countries.  That’s exactly what we’ve been doing with our close allies and partners here.  It’s what we do in our trilateral cooperation as well with Japan.  It’s what we do through the Quad.  It’s what we do through ASEAN.

That is, I think, the imperative of the moment we’re in.  And we’re very, very pleased that we’ve been able to do the work we’ve done here today because it’s evidence of our determination to revitalize, to strengthen our alliances, to build on them, because that is the single best way to tackle the problems that actually affect the lives of our citizens.

*MODERATOR:*  (Via interpreter) Thank you very much.  Now, moving on to – would like to receive the questions from the U.S. press.

*MR PRICE:*  The next question will go to Christina Ruffini of CBS.

*QUESTION:*  Good afternoon, gentlemen.  Mr. Secretary, North Korea has so far not responded to U.S. attempts to engage, and as was just mentioned, today the vice minister of foreign affairs called such efforts a cheap trick and said U.S. calls for complete denuclearization were groundless rhetoric.  When it comes to this policy review that you mentioned, (given how far the two sides are apart,) is the U.S. considering a policy of containment rather than engagement with North Korea?  And will you be asking the Chinese to take any specific actions regarding Pyongyang when you meet in Alaska?

And Mr. Foreign Minister, if I may, you said it appears North Korea is reevaluating its relationship with the U.S.  Do you feel North Korea is more or less dangerous after the efforts of the previous administration, and have you asked Secretary Blinken to convey any message or request from your government to the Chinese?  Thank you.

*SECRETARY BLINKEN:*  Thank you very much.  Look, the – with regard to North Korea, the most important outreach and engagement we’re doing is with our partners and allies.  That’s a big part of the reason why we’re here.  It’s a big part of the reason why, as part of the review that we’re doing, we’re in close consultation with the Republic of Korea, with Japan, with other allies and partners who are concerned by the actions and activities of North Korea.  And I don’t want to get ahead of the review and pre-judge its conclusion.  We’ll have an opportunity, I know, to talk about that going forward.

China has a critical role to play in working to convince North Korea to pursue denuclearization.  China has a unique relationship with North Korea.  Virtually all of North Korea’s economic relationships, its trade go – are with or go through China, so it has tremendous influence.  And I think China has a shared interest in making sure that we do something about North Korea’s nuclear program and about the increasingly dangerous ballistic missile program.

So I would hope that whatever happens going forward, China will use that influence effectively to work on moving North Korea to denuclearization.

*FOREIGN MINISTER CHUNG:*  (Via interpreter)  Since 2018 on the Korean Peninsula, the peace building, indeed reconciliation of these tensions have been fruitful, in my opinion, especially in September 2018.  The Comprehensive Military Agreement between the two Koreas was a great achievement and meaningful, and that agreement is still the basis for both Koreas to be abiding by.  So that should – worthy of notice.

For the last three years, the ROK and the U.S. have been maintaining close coordination, and based off of that, we have maintained our engagement policy with North Korea.  And we believe that there is a possibility for us to have the denuclearization, and that has been proven in principle.(?)

Through the 2+2 meeting today, both the ROK and the U.S. demonstrated that we have the fully coordinated strategies and plans, and we decided to have further plans in the future.  Based off of(on) that, we can have the full and effective engagement with North Korea.  Having said that, we believe that it’s possible for us to have the full peace building in the Korean Peninsula.

*MODERATOR:*  (Via interpreter)  Thank you, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Minister Chung.

Now the Korean side.  Mr. Lee Seung-yun from YTN.

*QUESTION:*  (Via interpreter)  Good morning.  I have two questions for Minister Suh.  First, the U.S. is strengthening cooperation with Quad member-states.  Was there any request from the U.S. for a combined military exercise with Quad members or intelligence sharing with the Quad members?  Second, now the U.S. DOD is reviewing the USFK deployment posture.  Did you have any discussion on that?

(In English.)  This question goes to Defense Secretary Austin.  Welcome to South Korea.

In order to strengthen national defense, the Korean Government wishes to build nuclear-powered submarine and a light aircraft carrier.  Do you think that they will be feasible and essential assets for Korea-U.S. combined forces?  And is the U.S. willing to help Korean Government to build nuclear-powered submarine?

Second, although you emphasized the challenges posed by North Korea and China yesterday, China is still necessary to solve out the North Korean nuclear issues.  So how would you cope with this dilemma?  Maybe Secretary Blinken can answer for these questions, too.  Thank you very much.

*DEFENSE MINISTER SUH:*  (Via interpreter) Let me answer the question first.  So the question about intelligence sharing or combined military exercise with Quad member-states, there is no such request from the U.S.  We discussed measures to ensure stability in the Indo-Pacific and shared the understanding of the two sides, however there was no specific mentioning or a request on those issues you just raised.

Regarding the military cooperation with the U.S., the U.S. discussed emerging security threats in our responses and stressed the necessary cooperation with the U.S., Japan, and Korea.  Basically, Korea agrees that the trilateral cooperation is important.  With the occasions of bilateral meetings and multilateral meetings, we will continue to cooperate with the U.S. in terms of military cooperation.  And I believe Secretary Austin is better positioned to answer this part of the question.

Now, the U.S. DOD is reviewing the USFK redeployment or repositioning.  And we didn’t discuss this issue specifically in this meeting.  However, basically, the U.S. reaffirmed the importance of USFK in ensuring stability and peace in Northeast Asia, and U.S. commitment to the defense of Korea is steadfast.

*SECRETARY AUSTIN:*  Yeah, so thanks.  On the issue of nuclear submarines or any other capability that the Republic of Korea might seek to acquire, I think it’s best that the leadership of the republic speak to that versus me.  And so I’ll leave it to Minister Suh to entertain those questions in the future.

You should know, though, that we’re focused on ensuring that we have the required capability to defend the alliance and to defend the ROK if and when called upon to do that.  And our efforts to continue to work together routinely to strengthen our capability I think is evident in kind of everything we do.  It’s all – it’s what we really spent a lot of time talking about in the last two days. So we have tremendous capability at hand.  We’re going to increase that capability by ensuring that we can continue to operate as a combined team. (핵추진잠수함과 경항공모함이 문제라면 한국의 리더십, 즉 국방부 장관이 내게 직접 요구하는 게 최선이라고 본다. 다만 우리는 필요시 동맹과 한국을 방위할 능력을 이미 갖췄다고 확신하는 데 집중하고 있다는 점을 알았으면 한다. 우리는 엄청난 전력을 손에 쥐고 있고, 연합팀으로 계속한다는 확신하에 그러한 전력을 증강할 것이다.)

*SECRETARY BLINKEN:*  And I want to first commend you on demonstrating the art of the multi-party, multi-part question.  (Laughter.)

And again, with regard to Beijing, Beijing has an interest, a clear self-interest, in helping to pursue the denuclearization of the DPRK, because it is a source of instability, it’s a source of danger, and obviously a threat to us and our partners.  But China has a real interest in helping to deal with this.

It also has an obligation under the UN Security Council resolutions to implement fully the sanctions that the international community has agreed are there in response to North Korea’s program and to its provocations.  So we look to Beijing to play a role in advancing what is in, I think, everyone’s interest.

*MODERATOR:*  (Via interpreter) Thank you very much.  Now the last question, back to the U.S. press.

*MR PRICE:*  The final question will to go Lara Seligman of Politico.

*QUESTION:*  Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Secretary Austin, you spoke about the importance of maintaining military readiness.  For the past three years, the joint military drills between South Korea and the United States have been downsized due to ongoing negotiations over North Korea’s nuclear arsenal.  What impact has that had on readiness?  And do you plan to continue the smaller-scale exercises in future, or will they return to their former size and scope?

Secretary Blinken, if I may:  As has been mentioned, North Korea’s vice minister of foreign affairs said today that there would be no dialogue until the United States drops what she called its “hostile policy.”  Can I get you to respond directly to that?  And by insisting from the start that the end state is its complete denuclearization, aren’t you closing the door to talks and setting the stage for four years of stalemate?

And finally, if I may, for Minister Chung:  The U.S. delegation has repeatedly called for the denuclearization of North Korea – specifically North Korea, not the Korean Peninsula.  So does the Government of South Korea back this call rather than the Korean Peninsula?  Or can I have you just to respond to that, please?

*SECRETARY AUSTIN:*  Well, thanks, Lara.  I’ll start, and the question was training and readiness.  And as you would expect, for me and for everyone (that works with me and for me), readiness remains a top priority.  And I know that that is a top priority for our teammates here in the republic as well.  And so we’re always looking for ways to make training better, and I think not only here but around the globe we’ve learned to be flexible, we’ve learned to be adaptive, and we have always, always been effective.

In terms of whether or not – what the training regimen will be going forward, that will be a joint decision between us and the ROK, and we’ll continue to work with the leadership here in the ROK to address those issues.

*SECRETARY BLINKEN:*  And Lara, with regard to the comments from North Korea, I’m aware of them.  But what I’m most interested in right now are the comments and thoughts of our allies and partners, which is why we’re here, as we complete our review.  So that’s what we’re focused on.

*FOREIGN MINISTER CHUNG:*  (Via interpreter)  Yes.  Regarding the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula was the result of the agreement of the denuclearization of the – both Koreas.  And also because of that we have the manufacturing and positioning and seven very concrete measures of denuclearization measures that have been under that agreement.  And also, that means that we are quite having the very sure definition of the denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula, and also the nuclear weapons will not be owned by – as according to our declaration.  And that was the declaration we made.

When we talk about the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, it means that to the North Korea we are showing that South Korea has been already denuclearized.  And also, according to the agreement made in 1991, we are suggesting North Korea that we have to go along together, and the North Korea is fully aware of that as well.

And the international community,( if we can say the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,) we are very much more confident that we can convince the North Korea to follow our suit.  So I believe that it is more correct to say that it is about the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

*MODERATOR:*  (Via interpreter) Thank you very much.  Now this concludes the joint press conference of the ROK-U.S. foreign and defense ministers meeting.  Thank you very much.

참고/2+2 기자회견

정/싱가포르 합의, 현 단계에서도 충분히고려해야 한다. 최선희 담화, 한미 고위급협의 주시하는 것. 우리와 미국에 보내는 메시지. 쿼드 직접 논의 없어 
북한 비핵화보다 한반도 비핵화 표현이 올바르다
블/쿼드 동조국모임 여러 이슈 대응 공조로 한국과도 긴밀 협력. 협력 공고 중요 그래서 한미일 삼자 협력 강조해. 중국 북한 비핵화 중요 역할 
북 주민 정권 및 광범위 쳬계적 유린 당해. 중국에 대한 논의도 가졌어. 중국이 약속 일관되게 어겨. 공격적 권위적 행동이 인태 안전 안보 어려움 낳는지 논의했어. 

한미 2+2 기자회견 
11:43 장관들 입장

시작. 모두발언 정의용-블링컨-서욱-오스틴 순으로 진행. 4분 장관 모두발언 후 한미 양국 기자 2명씩 질의응답 시간. 

 안녕. 블링컨 오스틴 장관, 서욱과 함께 이 자리 서게 된 걸 기쁘게 생각해. 먼저 어제 아틀란타 발생 총격 사건으로 사상자 발생에 대해 희생자 분들께 깊은 위로 애도 전해. 희생된 분들 중에 한국계도 계신 걸로 확인. 우리 정부도 재외국민 안전에 관심 갖고 상황 예의주시. 미국 국민도 애도. 블링컨과 오스틴이 한국계 희생자 깊은 애도 말씀 감사. 취임 초기에 한국 찾아준 두 장관에게 다시 한 번 환영의 말씀. 미 국무 국방 함께 방문은 2010년 이후 11년만에 처음이야. 양국은 70년 역사를 지닌 한미동맹이 동북 평화 번영 핵심축 다시 확인. 전략적 소통 강화 의지 분명해 해. 이런 협력의 모멘텀이 가까운 시일 내 한미 정상회담 이어질 것을 기대
양국 외교 범세계 위험 속에서 동맹의 힘과 단합 중요성 공감. 공도 의식 바탕으로 동맹 현안 협의 강화하고 다양한 사안 상호보완 미래지향적으로 나아가. 한미동맹 굳건함 확인했어. 한국은 한반도 문제 3가지 큰 공감대
1. 북핵 문제는 시급한 사항. 양국간 긴밀한 공조 뭣보다 중요한 점 재확인
2. 북핵 평화적 해결 위해 굳건한 안보기반 위 최소한의 외교
3. 완전히 조율된 전략을 바탕으로 긴밀히 공조. 
앞으로 한반도 프로세스 진전 위해 나아갈 것. 양국 역내 평화 안보 번영 위해 한미일 3국간 호혜적 미래지향적 협력 지속. 신남방 지역과 연계해 ~ 공동 안전 번영 기여할것. 
코로나 등 전 인류 위협에 대해 한미동맹 기반으로 함께 대응할것
2+2 장관 회의 호용성 재확인하고 이를 지속 개회할 것으로 했어. 한미가 함께할 때 가장 강력함 다시 확인해. 양국 민주주의 인권 법치 공동의 가치와 00에 기반해 양국 최고 자산인 한미동맹 보다 건전 포괄적 호혜적으로 시대 부응하게 발전할것

안녕. 정의용 장관께 맞아줘서 감사. 함께해서 영광. 두 국방장관도 영광이야. 오늘 저희는 2+@ 회의 가졌어. 이틀 간 초청 맞아줘 감사. 한국 국민들 늘 환대해줘서 감사. 다시 한 번 강조하고픈 건 바로 아틀란타 총격으로 인한 사상 문제에. 4분의 한국계 미국인 사상자 있대. 이같은 폭력 다함께 힐어나야 해. 이번 순방은 바이든 대통령 각료로서 최초의 해외 순방. 저와 오스틴이 그 목적지로 한국 온 건 결코 우연이 아냐. 한미동맹 동북아 인태 평화 안보 핵심축이야. 동맹 재확인뿐만 아니라 더 발전시키기 위해 왔어. 이미 그렇게 하고 있어. 방금  원칙적 합의가형식했어. 양측 부단히 애쓴 결과, 동맹과 공동 방위 강화할거. 이같은 노력과 순방은 바이든 행정부가 세계 각지 동맹과 활성화하기로 한 의지의 일환이야. 이런 동맹 국민 안보 번영 위해 긴요. 일보 회담에서도 강조했고 오늘 서명한 공동 서명에도 이런 메시지. 

세계 공동 안보 문제 다루는데 공고한 입지 정하게 될 거야. 북 위기로 포함돼. 바이든 행정부는 한국 정부와 긴밀한 파트너 대북 논의. 
하지만 이 정책 목표 분명. 북 비핵화에 전념하며 북 주민 포함 모든 한국인 삶 향상하는 거. ***북 주민 정권 및 광범위 쳬계적 유린 당해. 중국에 대한 논의도 가졌어. 중국이 약속 일관되게 어겨. 공격적 권위적 행동이 인태 안전 안보 어려움 낳는지 논의했어. 중국 행동 때문에 동맹국 접근이 중요해졋어 
세계적 민주주의 인권 후퇴현상. 버마. 이런 시기일수록 중국 반인권 행동 저항 중요,.
또 사이버 보안 보건안보 등 논의. 지금은 중요한 사안이야. 특히 한미일 3국 협력 통해 이 위협 다뤄나갈 거야. 우리의 외교 및 안보 동맹은 철통같이 단단하지만 한미 동맹 깊이 그 이상이야. 상호 신뢰 공동의 가치 깊이 맞물린 경제적 이해관계, 수세기 걸친 이해관계 서로의 든든한 힘이 되어준 경험에 뿌리두고 있어. 팬데믹 초기에 이런 모습 봤어. 200만개 마스크 보내줫어. 50만개가 미 보훈처에 보내졌어. 70년전 한국과 어깨 나란히 싸운 미국 참전 용사들 마스크 차고 보호 받을 수 잇엇어. 이것이야말로 진정한 동맹의 모습이라 생각 감사. 질문 기대할게. 

오늘 5년만 개최 한미 외교국방 장관회의 통해서 양국 장관 70년 이상 신뢰와 헌신 속 성장해온 한미동맹 결속력 확인. 또 한미동맹이 상호 방위조약 기반해 강력한 연합방위 태세 유지. 동맹의 준비태세에 대한 평가와 그간 양국간 공동의 노력 통해 전작권 전환 진전 잇엇고 협의 지속해나갈 것. 양국 장관은 한반도 완전한 비핵화 공동의 목표 달성 위해 긴밀 소통 협력 지속. 양국의 공동 이익인 인태 지역 평화 아전 번영 위해 한국의 신남방 정책 미국 인태 전략 조화롭게 이어나갈게. 한미 양국 장관은 회의 통해 재확인한 굳건한 한미동맹 기반으로 보다 미래지향적이고 긴밀한 소통과 협력 지속할게

서욱 장관, 정의용, 블링컨, 열분과 서울에 함께 모여 영광. 우선 동료들 말씀드렷듯이 조지아주 아틀란타 총격 사건에 대해서 놀람 금할 수 없어. 이런 악랄한 사건에 대해 유가족, 희생자 유족들에게 애도를 전한다. 이런 폭력적 상황 발생 용인할 수 없어. 
오늘 회의는 동맹 중요성 상징성 보여주는 자리. 여러 도전 과제를 직면한 현재 피로 맺어진 우리 관계를 그어느 때보다 중요. 70년 동안 한미 동맹에 대한 미국의 의지를 철통같았어. 블 장관 말처럼 철통같았어. 공통 이해와 가치과 토대로 한 동맹, 상호 역동적 동맹. 한미 안보 뿐만 아니라 자유롭고 열린 인태 지역 평화와 안전에 중요해
미국은 확장 억제를 포함해 미국의 전체적인 능력 동원해서 한국의 국방에 대한 완전한 의지 갖고 있어. 계속해서 강력한 연합 방위 태세 유지하고 있고, 한반도 비핵화 의지를 갖고 있어. 이 부분에 대해 한미간 이견 전혀 없어. 우리는 중요한 전략적 작전적 현안에 대해 논의했어. 최우선 순위는 군사대비태세 유지의 중요성. 
우리 군은 즉각 전투 태세 파잇 투나잇에 전시 작전권 전환 통제 조건 충족하려면 시간 걸리겟지만, 전환 과정 통해 동맹이 강화될 것이라 믿어. 우리는 함께 할 일이 많아. 세계 안보 도전 과제와 장기적으로는 전략적 경쟁에 대응해야. 
특히 중국은 미 국방 관점에서 추적하는 도전 과제야. 현제 우리는 각국의 연례 전략 맞춰 공조할 수 잇는 분야 국제질서와 역내 파트너국 역량 강화 뒷받침할 수 잇는 분야 식별 노력해. 특히 우리 방위비분담급 협정 ㅇ매우 감사. 미국의 파트너십 동맹 재활성화 의지를 반영한 거야. 한미일 한보 협력 의지 재확인햇어. 다자주의 가치 알고 현재와 미래 공통 도전 과제 대응하기 위해 미래지향적 과제 중시해.
오늘 회의는 강력한 연합방위태세 뒷받침한 민주주의 동맹 및 파트너국 긴밀 협력하면서 그 어떤 경쟁 상대도 앞지를 수 있는 믿음을 반영했어. **한미 동맹에 그만큼 가치를 두는 것야. 우리 동맹은 인태지역 평화 안보 번영의 핵심축으로서 70년 이상 그 역할 해왔어. 매번 도전 과제 잘 대응. 우리는 대민을 미국의 가장 가까운 우방이자 파트너라 감사하고 어깨 나란히 하며 모든 도전 과제와 향후 70년 그 이후에도. 
우린 계속해서 미래로 같이갈 것. 감사해. 

-대북정책 관련, 공통질문. 싱가포르 합의 계승해야 하나. 북 최선희 외무성 부상 적대시철회 안 되면 접촉 이뤄지지 못하겠다. 이어서 지역협력. 정장관, 방한 중 쿼드 참여 요청 받았나. 블링컨, 쿼드. 한일관계 개선 어떤 요청했는지. 
=정의용/ **대북정책 관련 싱가포르 합의는 우리 정부 볼 때는 앞으로 북미관계개선, 한반도 평화정착, 비핵화 문제 해결을 위한 기본 원칙 확인한 것이기 때문에 현 단계에서도 충분히 고려해야 한다는 게 정부 입장. 최선희 외무성 제1부상이 오늘 아침 김여정 부부장 담화 이어서 연이은 담화를 발표한데 주목한다. 북한이 미국의 대북정책 검토 과정에서 한미 간 고위급협의가 진행되는 것을 매우 긴밀히 주시하는 것을 방증한다고 보여진다. 한미 외교국방장관 방한 계기에 북한 나름 방식으로 우리와 미국에 메시지 보내는 것 아닌가 평가. 이런 의도에 대해서도 간략히 논의했는데 한미 양국은 계속 이 분야에서 공조를 해 나가기로 해. 정부는 바이든 미 신행정부의 대북 접촉 노력을 계속 지지하고, 북미간 비핵화를 위한 협상이 조속히 재개되기를 희망한다. **방한 시 쿼드 에 관한 직접적인 논의는 없었다. 다만 우리의 신남방정책과 미국의 인태전략이 어떻게 공조해서 공동 목표 달성할수있는지에 대해 여러 방안 협의했다. 정부는 포용성 개방성 투명성 또 우리 협력원칙에 부합한다면 또 국익에 맞는다면 지역글로벌 평화 번영 기여한다면 어떤 협의체와도 협력이 가능하다는 원칙 지키고 있다.
=블링컨/ 북한에 대해선 포괄적 대북정책 검토중이다. 수주내로 완료될 것. 긴밀하게 한국 일본과 조율 거쳐서 진행중. 이미 공동의 우려사항 있고 이해관계 있다. 굉장히 효과적으로 정책 조율할 수 있는 부분 있다. 미국에 대한 동맹에 대한 위협 가축 위해 노력한다. 북핵미사일 위협 줄이기 위해 노력. 북한 주민 들 삶 개선 위해 노력. 이 부분은 계속해서 한미와 긴밀하게 조율해나갈 것. **쿼드는 비공식적인 동조국들의 모임. 이것을 여러 이슈에 대해서 공조하는 것이고 한국과도 긴밀하게 협력 지속하고 있다. 이런 모임들, 한미일 3자 협력과 일맥상통하고 큰 혜택 가져와. 한 가지 당면한 현실은 모든 이슈를 다 고려해야 하고 이것이 우리 삶에 영향 준다. 신기술 팬데믹 등 다양한 것이 모두에 영향 미치고 한 국가만 다뤄낼 수 없어. 그래서 협력 공고히 하는 게 더 중요해. 그래서 우리가 이를 하는 것이고 삼자 협력도 강조하는 것. 쿼드도 마찬가지. 아세안도. 이런 현실. 이 업무 할 수있는 거 기쁘게 생각. 동맹 강화하고 재활성하기 위한 의지 보여주는 것이락 생각해. 
Thank you very much for your question. With regard to North Korea, we‘re engaged in a comprehensive policy review what’s significant about that review is it‘s being done in very close consultation with the Republic of Korea and within our allies. We have a shared concern ,shared interest in having a strong, effective, and coordinated policy and in proceeding together in lockstep. We’re focused on reducing the threat to the United States to allies posed by North Korea‘s nuclear program. And to improve the lives of people in North Korea, throughout the region as well. And we will continue to cooperate closely in the weeks ahead as we complete the review. With regard to Quad, I would just say it’s, I think it‘s you know it’s an informal grouping of like-minded countries that come together to deepen cooperation on a whole host of issues, many of these issues. We‘re also working very closely with ROK, we find that working through some of these sub regional groupings, including the trilateral work we do with Korea, Japan is very beneficial in addressing some of the challenges we face. one of the funding realities of the moment we’re in.. is that when you consider. Firstly, all of the issues that are actually affecting the lives of our citizens, whether it‘s time, whether it’s the pandemic, whether it‘s emerging technologies, I can go down the list. Not a single one. The fact that we address by any one country, acting alone. We have to find ways to deepen cooperation, deepen coordination by finding exactly what we can do in our close allies and partners here is what we do in our trilateral cooperation as well. With Japan as what we do with Quad, what we do through ASEAN, that is, I think the imperative of the moment we’re in. And we‘re very, very pleased that we’ve been able to do the work we‘ve done here today because it’s evidence of our determination to revitalize the strengthen our alliances to build on them, because that is the single best way to tackle the problems that actually affect the lives versus.

-북한이 아직 미국의 포용노력에 대응안하고 최선희 트릭이라고 이야기. 미비핵화 요구 근거없다고 해. 억지정책을 취하는 게 나은지, 중국 구체적 행동 요구하는지. 정 장관/ 북한이 미국과 관계 재평가하는데 이전보다 더 위험해졌는지. 중국과 관련 어떤 부분 요청했나
good afternoon gentlemen. Mr Secretary, North Korea has so far not responded to us attempts to engage, and as was just mentioned, today the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs called such efforts and cheap trick and said us calls for complete denuclearization for groundless rhetoric. When it comes to this policy review of what you mentioned, given how far the two sides are apart is the US considering a policy of containment, rather than engagement with North Korea, and will, will you be asking the Chinese to take any specific actions regarding Pyongyang and when you meet in Alaska. And as a former minister, if I may. You said it appears North Korea is reevaluating its relationship with the US. Do you feel North Korea is more or less dangerous after the efforts of the previous administration, and have you asked Secretary Blinken to convey any message or request from your government to the Chinese.
=블링컨/ 가장 중요한 포용노력은 동맹국을 통한 것. 그래서 이 자리에 있어. 대북정책을 긴밀한 조율 통해 진행한다. 한일 긴밀하게 인풋. 리뷰에 대해 미리 말씀드릴 수 없지만 진행중. 중국이 굉장히 중요한 역할 할 수있어. 북한 설득해서 비핵화 할 수 있도록. 북한과 독특한 관계. 북한과 경제적 관계 교역 등 중국 통해 이뤄져. 굉장히 큰 영향력 갖고 있고 공동 이해관계 있어. 북핵무기에 대해선 위험하고 협력할 부분 충분히 있다. 중국에서 효과적 영향력 활용하면서 북한 비핵화 역할해야**
=정의용/ 2018년 이후 한반도 평화정착 긴장완화 위한 노력 많은 성과 이뤘다고 평가. 2018.9 남북 포괄적 군사합의 이룬 것 상당한 의미. 그 합의가 아직도 기본적으로 남북 모두 지키고 있다는 점 주목해야 한다. 지난 3년간 한미 양국은 긴밀한 공조를 바탕으로 북한 계속 관여하며 비핵화 문제 해결 가능하다는 점 입증했다. 이번 회담 통해 대북전략 관련 완전히 조율된 전략 수립 이행하기로 해. 그런 기초 위에 북한 효과적으로 관여하면 한반도 완전한 비핵화 목표 달성 가능하다고 확신해. 

-서욱/ 쿼드 협력 강화되는데 실시간 군사훈련 등 제안했는지. 한미일 군사협력 관련 논의. 미군 배치태세 재검토하는데 주한미군 배치 관련 논의 있었는지. 오스틴 장관도. 연합방위태세 위해 전력도입 고민. 핵잠 지원 관련 고려사항. 
In order to strengthen national defense Korean government wishes to build nuclear power submarine and light aircraft carrier, do you think that they will be feasible and essential for Korea us combined forces? and is the US willing to help Korean government to build nuclear power submarine? Second, although you emphasize the challenges posed by North Korea and China yesterday. China is still necessary to solve the North Korean nuclear issues. So how would you combat this dilemma? Maybe. Secretary, Blinken can answer for these questions too. Thank you very much.

=서욱/미측에 쿼드 국가들과의 정보공유 합동군사훈련 제안은 결론적으로 그런 논의 없어었다. 인태지역 평화안정 유지 위한 구상, 상황 인식, 포함해서 개괄적 설명 논의 있었는데 구체 언급은 없었다. 한미일 군사협력 관련 미측은 새롭게 구상하는 안보 위협 등 국제정세 고려할 때 3국 안보협력 대단히중요하다고 여러차례 이야기. ***우리도 일본과 과거사문제 있지&#4447;&#4449;&#4523; 한반도 동북아 평화안정 위해서는 중요하다는데 공감. 양자 다자 회담 계기 한미일 고위급 협의 합참 등 각 본부 협력 지속 유지 강화할 것. 미군 재배치 포함해 검토 중이란 문제는 주한미군 배치 역할 영향 미치는 논의 없었다. 미측은 주한미군이 한반도 물론 동북아 평화안정 매우 중요하다 방위공약 확고하다는 이야기 오가.
=오스틴/핵잠이나 다른 능력. 대한민국 만약 도입하려면 저보다는 대한민국 정부에서 이야기하는 게 맞다고 생각. 알아야 할부분은 우리가 필요한 역량, 동맹 지키기 위한 방어역량 갖추도록 보장할 것. 유사시 부름 받았을 때. 정기적으로 협조해서 우리 하는 일이 온전히 힘 집중하는 것. 이 부분 많이 토의해. 많은 능력 있고 연합군 작전 수행하도록(?)
= 오스틴/ Yeah, so thanks on the issue of nuclear submarines or any other capability that Republic of Korea might, might seek to acquire. I think it‘s best that the leadership of the Republic speak to that versus me, so I’ll leave it to Minister Suh to entertain those questions in the future. You should know that we‘re focused on ensuring that we have the required capability to defend the alliance, and to defend the ROK. Yes, if and when called upon to do that. And, you know our efforts to continue to work together routinely to strengthen our capability, I think it’s evident in kind of everything we do is what we really spent a lot of time talking about in the last two days. So we have tremendous capability at hand, and we‘re going to increase that capability by ensuring that we can continue to operate as a as a combined team.
=블링컨/다자적 질문 감사. 중국관련 중국도 분명 관심 이해 있다. 비핵화 추구 중국 이해관계분명하다고 보는 게 불안정 원천, 위험하다. 중국에도. 그리고 책임도 있다. 안보리 결의 따라서 모든 제재 완전 이행할 책임 있다. 그래서 북한 프로그램 대해 대응해야 해. 중국에 할 몫 다 해라고 이야기. 모두 국익에 부합한다.** 
=블링컨) I wanna first command you on demonstrating the art of the multi party, multi part question. With regard to Beijing.. Beijing has an interest, a clear self interest in helping to pursue denuclearization of the DPRK because it is a source of instability, it‘s a source of danger and obviously a threat to us and our partners, but China is really interested in helping to deal with this and also it alo has an obligation under the UN Security Council resolutions to implement fully the sanctions at that the international communities as agreed.. are there in response to North Korea’s program and to its provocations, so we, we look to Beijing to play a role in advancing, what is, I think everyone‘s interest.

-오스틴/대비태세 이야기했는데 3-4년간 한미합동군사훈련 다운사이즈. 어떤 영향. 미래에 어떤 것. 블링컨/최선희 적대시철회 없으면 대화 없을 것. 이에 대해 어떻게 답변할 것인지. 북 비핵화 완전한 최종목표 무엇인가. 정의용/북한 비핵화를 이야기하는데 한국은 한반도인가 북한으로만 규정하는가
Good afternoon, gentlemen, Secretary Austin, he spoke about the importance of maintaining military readiness for the past three years, the joint military drills between South Korea and the United States have been downsized due to ongoing negotiations over North Korea‘s nuclear arsenal. What impact has that had on readiness? And do you plan to continue the smaller scale exercises in future, or will they return to their former sizes in scope?
Secretary weekend, if I may, as has been mentioned North Korea’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs said today that there would be no dialogue until the United States drops, what she called a hostile policy. Can I get you to respond directly to that? And by insisting from the start that the end state is its complete denuclearization. Aren‘t you closing the door to talks and setting the stage for four years of stalemate. 
And finally, if I made for Minister Chung, US delegation has repeatedly called for the denuclearization of North Korea, specifically North Korea, not the Korean Peninsula, so does the government of South Korea back to this call, rather than the Korean peninsula? Or can I get you to *** on to that please?

=오스틴/훈련과 준비태세. 저와 참모들 모두 대비태세 최우선 과제. 한측 카운터파트에도 최우선 순위 과제다. 항상 훈ㄹ녀 개선 방법 찾아. 전세계적 융통성 발휘하고 사안 적응 능력 발휘해. 향후 훈련 계획이나 양상에 대해선 한미 공동 결정내릴 사안이고 한측 지휘부와 계속 협조해나갈 것. 
 I‘ll start. And the question was, training and readiness and as you would expect for me and for everyone that works with me and for me, readiness remains a top priority. And I know that that is a top priority for our teammates here, in a Republican as well. And so we’re always looking for ways to make training better. And I think, not only here but around the globe we‘ve learned to be flexible, we’ve learned to be adapted and, and we have always always been affected. In terms of whether or not you know what the what the training regimen will be going forward.. that will be a joint decision between us and the ROK, and it will continue to work with, with the leadership here in ROK address those issues.
=블링컨/ 담화에 대해. 가장 흥미가는 건 동맹 관련 부분이고 그래서 와 있는 것이다. 검토한다
=블링컨) And Laura, with regard to the comments from North Korea. I‘m aware from the one I’m most interested in right now are the comments, thoughts of our allies and partners, which is why we‘re here. As we, in complete our review so that’s what we‘re focused

=정/한반도 비핵화는 1991년 선언했다. 이 선언에 따라 제조 확산 배치 사용 등 7가지 구체적인 내용에 대해 합의. 이야말로 한반도 완전한 비핵화에 대한 확실한 정의라고 봐. 정부는 스스로 핵무기 보유하지 않겠다 포기선언 해. 한반도 비핵화라고 표기하는 건 북한으로 하여금 이미 비핵화를 완전히 했기 때문에 북한도 1991년 합의에따라 같이 하자는 의도이다. 북한도 그런 의도 충분히 안다. 국제사회에서 북한 비핵화 라고 하는 것보다는 한반도 비핵화. 정부로서는 당당하게 비핵화 요구할수있끼 때문에 국제사회에서도 한반도 비핵화 표현이 올바르다고 설명하고 있다


(2010년 7월 1차 회의 이후 11년 만에 미 국무 국방 동시 방문. 바이든 행정부 출범 57일 만에 한미 외교국방 수장 한자리. 5년 만에 첫 회의. 미국 국무, 국방장관 취임 뒤 첫 대면회의, 2010년 7월 1차 회의 이후 11년 만에 미 국무 국방 동시 방문. 바이든 행정부 출범 57일 만에 한미 외교국방 수장 한자리에 모여. 5년 만에 처음으로 회의)

확대 회담 80분 가졌고 한반도 문제 등을 포함해서 장관 집무실 25분간 단독회담. 1시간 45분 심도있는 논의. -한-미 양자 정책 대화(가칭 동맹대화) BPD. 외교부 북미국장 국무부 동아태 부차관보 정례 협의체 내일 외교부에서 첫 정례 회의. 현안들이 체계적 관리+관련 부처 실무자 과장급과 같이 협의할 수 있는 플랫폼. -인태 전략은 트럼프 행정부 용어, 자유롭고 개방된 인태지역은 바이든 행정부에서 쓰는 용어, 트럼프는 수식어 안 붙어. 바이든은 전략을 안 붙여. 구상 협력을 강화하겠다는 것. 프리앤 오픈은 일본이 먼저 쓴 것. 트럼프 행정부도 잘 안써. 2017년 아베 인도 협력 구상하면서 자유롭고 개방된 태평양 구상 쓰기 시작해서 나온 수식어고 그게 특별히 미국이 중국을 염두에 두고 쓰는 수식어는 아님(백그라운드)


Strengthening the Ironclad U.S.-ROK Alliance



MARCH 17, 2021


“America’s alliances are our greatest asset, and leading with diplomacy means standing shoulder-to-shoulder with our allies and key partners once again.”
– President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., February 4, 2021

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III will travel to Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK), March 17–18 to reaffirm the United States’ commitment to strengthening our Alliance and to highlight cooperation that promotes peace, security, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific and around the world.

Secretary Blinken and Secretary Austin will attend a U.S.-ROK Foreign and Defense Ministerial (“2+2”) hosted by the ROK’s Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong and Minister of Defense Suh Wook.  Secretary Blinken will meet with Foreign Minister Chung and other senior officials to discuss issues of bilateral and global importance.

Secretary Blinken will also meet virtually with Korean youth leaders and host a virtual roundtable with emerging Korean journalists to discuss the importance of a free press and the U.S.-ROK Alliance.

Addressing the Challenges of Today and the Future

  • The U.S.-ROK Alliance is the linchpin of peace, security, and prosperity for Northeast Asia, a free and open Indo-Pacific region, and across the world. U.S.-ROK military and defense ties are unwavering, and our ever-increasing economic, technological, diplomatic, people-to-people, and values-based bonds are strong and enduring.
  • ROK engagement in the Indo-Pacific and across the world is essential, as demonstrated most recently by its response to COVID-19. In the early months of the pandemic, the United States and the ROK collaborated to establish robust travel screening measures to preserve air links between our countries and assisted with repatriating each other’s citizens.  The ROK donated critical medical supplies to the United States, including 2.5 million protective masks, and facilitated the purchase of 750,000 COVID-19 tests.  U.S. and ROK experts and policymakers continue to regularly share best practices on fighting COVID-19.
  • The ROK is a major donor and leader in development efforts, including health security, women’s empowerment, and humanitarian assistance. Through our ongoing dialogues on the Indo-Pacific in coordination with the ROK New Southern Policy, the U.S.-ROK Alliance is focused on a future-oriented partnership, including cooperation on health security, climate change, science and technology, renewable energy, law enforcement, cyber security, and cooperation with the Pacific Island countries the Mekong sub-region, and ASEAN.

Comprehensive Economic Ties between the Korean and American People

  • The United States is the ROK’s second largest trading partner, and the ROK is the United States’ sixth largest trading partner. The United States is the second largest investor in the Republic of Korea.
  • ROK foreign direct investment in the United States continues to grow and has more than tripled from $19.7 billion in 2011 to $61.1 billion in 2019, making the ROK the second-largest Asian source of foreign direct investment into the United States. The United States is the largest foreign direct investment destination for ROK investors, ahead of China and Vietnam.  In recent years, ROK companies have made major investment announcements in automotive components, industrial equipment, green energy, consumer electronics, and other sectors.  U.S. firms also play an important role in key sectors of the Korean economy.
  • The United States and the ROK hold an annual Senior Economic Dialogue during which policymakers coordinate on bilateral, regional, and global economic issues and advance regional economic cooperation.

An Alliance Built on People-to-People Ties

  • Over 1.7 million Korean students have enrolled in the United States since 1955. During the 2019/2020 academic year, more than 49,000 Korean students came to the United States.  The ROK is the largest per capita source of foreign students in the United States.
  • More than two million ROK citizens visit, work, or live in the United States, and over 200,000 U.S. citizens reside in the ROK. More than 10,000 U.S. and ROK citizens have participated in USG-sponsored exchanges, including 3600 Fulbrighters and almost 2000 International Visitor Leadership Program participants.
  • Prominent alumni include nine ROK Prime Ministers, countless dozens of National Assembly members, and two former ROK Presidents, including Kim Dae-jung, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.

Strengthening U.S.-Japan-Republic of Korea Cooperation

  • The Biden-Harris Administration is working to strengthen America’s relationships with our allies, and the relationships between those allies. No relationship is more important than that between the ROK and Japan.  The United States continues to promote expanded U.S.-ROK-Japan cooperation to tackle COVID-19 and combat climate change, as well as reinvigorate trilateral cooperation on a broad range of global issues, including the denuclearization of the DPRK.
  • A robust and effective trilateral relationship between the United States, the ROK, and Japan is critical for our joint security and interests in defending freedom and democracy, upholding human rights, championing women’s empowerment, combating climate change, promoting regional and global peace, security, and the rule of law in the Indo-Pacific and across the globe.

Securing Peace, Stability, and Prosperity in Northeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific

  • The U.S. commitment to the defense of the ROK remains ironclad.  The Alliance continues to work toward our shared goals of securing peace, stability, and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and throughout the Indo-Pacific.
  • The United States and the ROK work together to combat regional and global threats, as well as promote peace, security, and prosperity.  The United States maintains U.S. forces on the Korean Peninsula in support of its commitment under the U.S.-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty to help meet the common danger posed by external threats. North Korea poses a serious threat to international peace and security and the global nonproliferation regime.  The United States remains committed to strengthening deterrence against and the denuclearization of North Korea, as well as the protection and promotion of human rights in North Korea.
  • The Biden-Harris Administration is conducting a North Korea policy review in close consultation with the ROK, Japan, and other key partners, including reviewing  the potential for future diplomacy.


U.S.-ROK Alliance – Expanding Bilateral Cooperation for the 21st Century



MARCH 17, 2021


Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and the Republic of Korea Minister for Foreign Affairs Chung Eui-yong reaffirmed the vital importance of the U.S.-ROK Alliance as the linchpin of peace, security, and prosperity in Northeast Asia, in a free and open Indo-Pacific, and across the world.  During their March 17 meeting, Secretary Blinken and Foreign Minister Chung agreed on the need to expand our bilateral coordination and regional and global engagement.

Bilateral Policy Dialogue

The United States and the ROK will initiate a Deputy Assistant Secretary/Director-General-level dialogue to discuss strategic issues in the bilateral relationship.  This Department of State-Ministry of Foreign Affairs dialogue will expand diplomatic coordination on a range of bilateral, regional, and global issues.  Along with our ongoing Dialogue on the Indo-Pacific and the U.S.-ROK Senior Economic Dialogue, the U.S.-ROK Bilateral Policy Dialogue will be another important diplomatic tool to achieve tangible results for the American and Korean people.

Special Measures Agreement

On March 18, the United States and the ROK initialed the draft text for the 11th U.S.-ROK Special Measures Agreement (SMA).  Upon conclusion and entry into force, this multi-year agreement on defense burden sharing is expected to strengthen our Alliance and combined defense posture and is the result of sincere efforts by both sides to ensure our Alliance remains mutually beneficial, enhances our ability to prevent and deter aggression, and advances our shared goals of peace, security, and prosperity.

U.S.-ROK Foreign and Defense Ministerial Joint Statement

The United States and the ROK committed to common regional and global objectives during the March 18 Joint Ministerial.  Secretaries Blinken and Austin joined their ROK counterparts to issue a shared vision of the importance of the U.S.-ROK Alliance, strengthening deterrence, and achieving our shared objectives in the 21st Century.

Economic Cooperation

The United States and the ROK reaffirmed the importance of continuing to strengthen the U.S.-ROK economic relationship, as a key pillar of the bilateral relationship.  Building on existing cooperation under the U.S.-ROK Senior Economic Dialogue, both sides seek to enhance bilateral, regional, and global economic cooperation, including in the areas of enhancing supply chain resilience, promoting and protecting emerging and critical technologies, and fostering post-COVID-19 economic recovery.

Indo-Pacific Cooperation

Through our ongoing dialogues on the Indo-Pacific, and in coordination with the ROK New Southern Policy, the United States and the ROK expect to meet our shared climate change goals, as well as expand our coordination on health security, cyber capacity building, energy security, space, democracy initiatives, and other shared priorities in the Indo-Pacific region.  Secretary Blinken and Foreign Minister Chung will leverage our dialogues on the Indo-Pacific to expand regional coordination on law enforcement, maritime security, and cyber capacity building with the Pacific Island Countries and the Mekong sub-region through the Friends of the Mekong.

Climate Change

The United States and the ROK commit to enhancing cooperation on climate ambition and decarbonization.  The two sides will work towards achieving their net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and ambitious 2030 targets aligned with achieving these 2050 goals.  The ROK and the United States also intend to expand cooperation on sustainable smart cities through the U.S.-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership and the ROK’s smart cities programs.


Secretary Antony J. Blinken at Virtual Meet and Greet with Mission Republic of Korea Staff and Family Members





MARCH 17, 2021


MR RAPSON:  Hello, everyone.  Mission Seoul Colleagues, family members, thank you for being with us – or, I should say, Zooming in with us – for this afternoon’s very special occasion.  As our time is limited, though, let me get right to the point:  I’m absolutely delighted to introduce to you our Secretary of State Tony Blinken, who arrived in Korea just a couple of hours ago.  While no stranger to Korea, this is the Secretary’s first overseas visit in his new job, and for that we’re deeply honored and appreciative, as I know his Korean hosts are as well.  So with no further ado, Mr. Secretary, thank you for coming to Korea and thank you for engaging in this virtual conversation with our terrific and ever resilient community.  Our only wish is that we could have done this in person, but that’s for another time, perhaps your next visit to Korea.  So thank you, Mr. Secretary.  The Zoom is yours.

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Thank you.  Thank you very, very much.  It’s really wonderful to be back here, and in fact, in this very spot I think I spent some quality time on my last tour of duty.  And it’s very good to be back.  It’s particularly nice, Rob, to be with you, as well as the whole mission.  We’ve done some good work together in the past.  I’m looking forward to doing more going forward, and to the entire team, hello.  Happy Saint Patrick’s Day.

I want to say as well that I wish we were all together in person, but we’ll take advantage of the technology and at least have this virtual gathering.  And I can tell you this is not goodbye, it’s hello, and I suspect I’ll be back.  And so I hope the next time we will be able to get together in person.  But I do want to start by thanking the entire embassy team for helping to put this together under these rather different circumstances.  I know what goes into these visits, and of course, we tried to give you twice the fun, because Secretary of Defense Austin is also here.  I know you’re going to have a heck of a wheels up party when we get out of town.

But as the Chargé said, this is my first in-person travel overseas as Secretary, and it was important to come here first because Korea’s such an indispensable ally to the United States, and the work that you all are doing every single day is what makes our relationship with South Korea so strong.  You’ve heard President Biden talk a lot about leading by the power of our example, and I think what you’ve done as a mission in this unprecedented time is just that.  And I want to highlight a couple of examples that I know are well known to you, but it’s good for everyone to hear them.

First, your response to this pandemic.  Dr. Haas I know has led the mission in implementing measures to keep staff and loved ones safe and informed.  You put an innovative public clearance system in place to test new arrivals.  JT Tracy I’m told organized numerous COVID-safe community events that helped lift morale during the lockdown.  And Claire and Tanis Koscina who are just, I think, 16 and 14 years old set up soccer camps for kids on base.  CLO team helped families adapt to teleworking and remote schooling; Joseph Hwang organized his high school classmates to deliver groceries to families in quarantine. 

And even as you were doing all these things, most important, you kept the critical work of the embassy going, helping 150,000 U.S. citizens in this country navigate testing in quarantine, processing immigrant visa petitions from priority groups like U.S. service members and Korean orphan adoption visas; all the work of the political and economic sections, including marshaling a robust condemnation of the coup in Burma and helping secure a new special measures agreement, not to mention a lot of terrific reporting, some of which I’ve already benefited from.  So it really has been a remarkable all-hands-on-deck effort, and I just want to commend you for coming together, and not just coming together, coming together with ingenuity and coming together with heart.

Your dedication is all the more reason we owe it to you and your families to get you vaccinated as soon as possible, and we’ll probably have an opportunity to talk about that, but I just want to assure you that the administration is working as fast as possible to deliver vaccines to you.  There is nothing that we take more seriously, there is nothing that I take more seriously than your health and well-being, and we also want to make sure that we’re keeping you posted at every step along the way.  And that’s critically important.  The answers may not always be the ones that you’d like to hear, but we’ll always tell you what’s going on and what you need to hear.

A second example that I wanted to cite today is your leadership on diversity, inclusion, equity.  As a community, I know that you stood up against violence against black people in the United States.  You’ve stood with LGBTQI people here and around the world.  Some of your actions took real courage, and I want to commend you for them.  It’s deeply important to me that the State Department be a place where everyone is welcome, everyone is respected, everyone is treated with dignity.  That’s one reason we’ve made diversity and inclusion a major priority for this administration.  I strongly believe that America’s diversity is one of our core strengths as a nation and also a competitive advantage, and so we’ve got to have a diplomatic workforce that looks like the country it represents.  Otherwise, we will be conducting our diplomacy with one hand tied behind our back.

And I know you get that.  You’ve done work here to break down barriers, from the children’s book club you set up on D&I issues to the tough conversations that I know you’ve had on unconscious bias and white privilege.  Your council for diversity and inclusion even sent up a set of recommendations on how the State Department can foster a more inclusive workplace.  And this is really important because we need to learn from each other.  Across the entire State Department family, we’re finding that embassies, different bureaus are doing things that the whole community needs to know about, and so I really appreciate sharing from your own experience.

As I see it, from what I’ve learned about this mission and the work you’re doing, you really are a model for how our teams around the world can actually turn our values into concrete action and go the extra mile on behalf of the American people and each other.  So thank you.  Thank you for your service to our country.  Thank you for the way you’ve performed that service.  I’m very, very proud to be your Secretary, and now I’d really like to have a conversation and I’m anxious to hear from you.  So thank you.  It’s great to be here.  Thank you, Rob.  (Applause.)
