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Security Council Presidential Statement on North Korea

자료/한반도 자료

by gino's 2012. 12. 12. 13:35


U.N. Security Council Presidential Statement on North Korea

16 April 2012

The following is issued in the United States’ capacity as president of the Security Council. This month Ambassador Susan Rice holds the president’s chair of the U.N. Security Council.

April 16, 2012

UN Security Council Presidential Statement on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

The Security Council strongly condemns the 13 April 2012 (local time) launch by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

The Security Council underscores that this satellite launch, as well as any launch that uses ballistic missile technology, even if characterized as a satellite launch or space launch vehicle, is a serious violation of Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009).

The Security Council deplores that such a launch has caused grave security concerns in the region.

The Security Council demands that the DPRK not proceed with any further launches using ballistic missile technology and comply with resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009) by suspending all activities related to its ballistic missile program and in this context re-establish its preexisting commitments to a moratorium on missile launches.

The Security Council agrees to adjust the measures imposed by paragraph 8 of resolution 1718 (2006), as modified by resolution 1874 (2009). The Security Council directs the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006) to undertake the following tasks and to report to the Security Council within fifteen days:

a) Designate additional entities and items;

b) Update the information contained on the Committee's list of individuals, entities, and items (S/2009/205 and INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part.1), and update on an annual basis thereafter;

c) Update the Committee's annual work plan.

The Security Council further agrees that, if the Committee has not acted pursuant to the paragraph above within fifteen days, then the Security Council will complete action to adjust these measures within an additional five days.

The Security Council demands that the DPRK immediately comply fully with its obligations under Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009), including that it: abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner; immediately cease all related activities; and not conduct any further launches that use ballistic missile technology, nuclear tests or any further provocation.

The Security Council calls upon all Member States to implement fully their obligations pursuant to resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009).

The Security Council expresses its determination to take action accordingly in the event of a further DPRK launch or nuclear test.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/texttrans/2012/04/201204163935.html#ixzz2EoDmhKNO

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